Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Minimizer

Hi! I have chronic migraines, but it only takes 15 days away a month. I only have to stay in bed or on the sofa on my weekends instead of doing things I want to do. That's when the pain hits most of the time. I am so exhausted from pushing through it that I am too exhausted to do the things I want. Really. I can still work most of the time even with the pain, brain farts, and slurred speech. It's not that bad. Other people have conditions far worse. Like cancer patients for example. They really have more right to complain or feel sorry for themselves than I do. I just have headaches.
Hi. I have lupus. But you know, it's not that bad. My skin erupts in lesions and spots when I am in the sun. I can't stand the heat or the cold without cognitive impairment and pain. I get tired once in a while. Tired like I can't stand or move or even do much really.  I mean look at that person. She can't walk without crutches and she's on steroids, so she's got it far worse than I do. The person over there is losing her eyesight. That one can't get out of bed.  I can still slog into work. I really have no need to draw attention to myself.
Hi. I have Sjogren's. It's so bad sometimes that I can't talk my mouth is so dry. I spend a lot of money on dental care and still my teeth break or get develop cavities or need root canals. My eyes burn a lot to the point I have to close them for periods of time even with the Restasis. My fingers tingle and I get needle stabs in my feet that make my whole legs jump. I can't swallow that well. I need a pint of water just to take my medications. But I manage. It's not like I don't have access to water and I do have dental insurance. I get by.
Hello. I have vertigo associated with my migraines. It makes me feel like I'm walking in a canoe. Sometimes I lose my balance and fall into the wall, so I get bruised. I have to lean against the wall when I'm on hall duty. I fall over doing yoga. I lose balance dancing. I feel like I am going head first down the stairs, so I go really slowly and walk on an angle. I have coping strategies. There's vestibular rehabilitation training I do. I can dance more slowly and not spin around. You know, keep my head in the same space as much as possible. The nausea isn't that bad. I can still eat and maintain my weight. No vomiting. It's not like I have to stay in a wheelchair all the time. I mean, I sit down at work a lot and I keep my hand on solid objects around me. I manage.
My life isn't affected  by chronic illness that much. Not really. I'm still alive. I can work. I'm not in the hospital. I don't have it that bad. Not compared to some. Not really.

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