Sunday, February 3, 2019

Accused rev.

On the night of December 31 you were observed drinking red wine. Do you recall that evening? Yes.
Do you admit to drinking wine that night?
Was it red wine?
Are you aware wine, especially red wine with its tannins,  is a trigger for migraines? 
For some, yes. I also know triggers for aren't the same for everyone. Sometimes I get away with it. Some labels don't trigger my pain.Whatever the case, I drank the wine.
Do you recall the afternoon of the 9th of this month?
Where were you that day?
At home and then I went to coffee with a friend.
Did you check the weather report that day?
What was the weather report on the afternoon of the 9th of this month?
It was 53 degrees until about mid afternoon. Then it was supposed to drop to 2 degrees.
Do you usually keep gloves in your purse?
Why is that?
The cold makes my hands ache.
Is it painful?
Yes. Very painful.
Then why didn't you have gloves in your purse on the 9th of this month?
I didn't take my purse. I thought I had some in my coat.
Did you? Have some in your coat?
But you just said that you knew the weather report would be close to zero degrees and that the cold causes you a lot of pain. Why didn't you have your gloves?
I had taken them out of my pockets the last time I wore them. I threw them in my other bag and never put them back in my coat.
So you were negligent in managing your health?
No. I'm human.  I'm sure you've forgotten something in your life, too.  Maybe earplugs for a concert, or sunscreen at the lake. I turned on my car's seat warmer and took turns sitting my hands to keep them warm. I managed just fine.
Earlier this year you went to dinner with family.
This was a place you and your family frequent, right?
Yes. I've been going there since I was a kid.
Did you know which items on the menu contain gluten?
I figured most of the menu.
The chips. Did you know the chips and salsa you snacked on before your meal contained gluten?
No. I figured they were just corn. Carb heavy and mostly indigestible, but no. I didn't know about the wheat.
But you avoid gluten because of a sensitivity. At least, that's what you've professed.
True. It's more complicated than that though.
Oh? How's it complicated? You either avoid gluten or you don't.
I do! I should. Wheat, especially refined wheat, can aggravate just about everything in a body like mine. Even whole grains.
So you have Celiac's?
Then there's no need for you to avoid gluten.
Gluten means wheat. Wheat means carbs. The more grain carbs taken in, the more inflammation. But one night of food that I've eaten and enjoyed my whole life is worth it. After micro managing my diet all the time, a little break is worth it! It's worth it.
Even if you know you are risking pain or at least discomfort?
Even if.

You have been found guilty by a jury of your friends, family, and strangers. You are sentenced to harsh judgments and shaming. Have you anything to say for yourself?
Yes. I have chronic illnesses. I have researched and tried just about everything you think you know about my condition.  My choices are informed. For "good," for "bad,"- however you judge my choices- I own those choices. None of this is my fault. It's exhausting trying to do all the things "right". I follow what my doctors tell me. I do the best I know how.
My defense is this: I am steward of this body. I know it better than you.

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