Sunday, March 10, 2019


I refuse to let it own me I refuse to lose myself I refuse to linger in self-pity I will not let it stop me.

Most of us have at one time or another said these and other similar statements to ourselves.
                 We negotiate. We insist. We demand. 

We bear it.                      We push it.                         We plan it.                               We adjust to it.

We tolerate.
                  We manage.
                              We endure.

We hide.

We do so many things in order to simply survive.
          You don't see it.
                                        We don't always get to thrive.
                                                       You don't feel it.
                                                                          We sometimes lose our drive.
                                                                                      You don't hear it.

We rest.
We retreat.
We refresh.
And eventually we sleep.

But then we wake up. Get ourselves ready for another day. And we fight again.

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