Sunday, January 1, 2017

Flaming Roosters

As the new year begins, there's always a slurry of new year posts about what the new year holds and inevitably the Chinese zodiac enters in somehow. I read one article last week about how this is the year of the rooster. Not just any rooster, but this one is supposed to be on fire.  That tickled my fancy, so I thought I'd read it. However, man did that article just make me annoyed. It went into numerology, which I don't put a lot of stock in. It explained how 2016 was awful because it was a 9 year, which means it was all about endings hence all the death and destruction. 2017 though is a 1 year, so it's all about new beginnings. Then began all these lovely numerological associations with where the door in your house is located. Apparently my house is not so much with the feng shui as I will experience nothing but more devastation and turmoil in 2017. Know what I say to that?
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Fuck that; that's BS.

Instead I think I shall focus on a five point plan of getting my shit together without Chinese astrology cocking it up.
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What? Me? No, no. uh-huh. Not looking for a fight at all. No siree. Nope.


I need to figure this shit out. I know I don't want to be teaching after I hit that magical 20 for retirement, but I have no friggin' clue what to do afterward. I need to figure that out. I am intrigued by research and finding answers to big questions. Maybe I can find some way to work in research. I also have got that paid writing thing to look into. The passive income stream I've tried so far hasn't panned out, so I need to be a bit more active I guess and that stupid Montana Millionaire didn't come through again, so it's back to work this week for me. *sarcastic sigh and eyeroll* I've also got a weird plan hatching regarding crowd-sourcing and a performance venue. It's possible...maybe...if I'm not too chicken to cock it up myself.
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Seriously, this dude will end you. *shudders

I've felt sick a lot lately. Bear in mind that I have a lot of chronic conditions, but I don't usually succumb to feeling sick. I don't wallow in self-pity or lament the pain and suffering, but damn. 2016 just didn't want me to overcome the shitstorm of illnesses it had in store. The surgery recovery was only the beginning of the story. *cue maniacal laugh* I used to measure my wellness by the pills I took. I took very few of them all things considered. It was nice. I took plaquenil and vitamin D and then I started taking the Formula 303 (Valerian root and magnesium). That was it for a long time. Then things changed and started with the alpha lipoic acid and the B complex, which wasn't too big a deal. Then came the amlodipine and maxalt. Then the amlodipine increased and the low dose aspirin came along with the topamax. It just keeps coming. My moods have been highly variable as well. I can't seem to manage the stresses of everything with my usual ease. I'm still doing the yoga, the meditation, the exercise and all that. However, I think this year I need to switch things up a bit. I think I need to back away from the social media more. I opted to unplug in the mornings this year to give my day a fighting chance, but now I think I need to bookend the day as well. No social media before bed. I also have been without alcohol for two weeks thanks to topamax. That as a things I was considering tapering off of anyway, but hey! why not go cold turkey?  I also think that I'll do more guided meditations in the afternoons, add the world's most relaxing song to my phone, and be more mindful with my reactions. taking time to do my breathing and time myself out is going to be important I think. I'm also going to try to get more vegetables. I thinks my low carb diet is doing well, but I was eating just the protein and fats...not enough of the vegetables and fruits there for the last month or so. Balance the gut, balance the mind. Gotta get that 5 a day thing working in my favor.
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Don't throw shade at me, cocksucker! I can do it!


I have not been all that creative this past year. I have done a few things, but not a lot. I have had aspirations, but then I have distracted myself. I have thoughts about doing a project, but then forgotten it. I have found fun items on Pinterest, and then not done them. I have projects in my basement awaiting my attention. I have Christmas ideas that I was going to do, but I felt so lousy in December that I never did them, so I will do them over the summer, so they are actually ready for next Christmas. I need to do more artistically lest I shrivel into a little ball that does nothing but sit on its fanny on the weekends and play Diablo 3. Not that there's anything wrong with that! My Demon Hunter rocks and my Monk is on her way to greatness, but my artist is starved. Time to do some artsy stuff.

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Not quite what I had in mind, but sure! Why not?


In this year, I need to keep connecting to my fellow human beings. I need to keep listening and reaching out. I have spent so much time shut within my house, that I've become somewhat socially awkward. I know. You're shocked. I can feel the shock from here. Honestly, my introversion has spiraled out of control. I need to reconnect with some actual humans...a little at a time. I need to participate where it's important with my friends and family and community. I need to support those causes that I know are vital. I need to champion for human rights in my state, my country, and the world. I need to be that voice and connect even though it makes me so very uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. But it's important in the days ahead. Small steps. I can do this. Small steps.

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That's right. One foot in front of the other.


I feel sometimes like I make headway on this one only to then fail miserably at it. I don't know how it is that a teacher can be at this job 15 years and still be paying student loans and not be able to afford a new car or home improvements or a better savings plan. It's boggling really. Consequently, I have a call to make this week to a financial planner to see about my student loans. I have only $6, 000 left, but I want to know if he has any ideas about loan forgiveness programs that I have not looked into so as to make that 6k go faster so I can save for my new car faster. I want to hasten this process a wee bit. I have looked into some of the little cheats that blogs suggest, but some simply do not benefit me. I am not a coupon shopper. I do not benefit from those apps since I don't use a lot of those kinds of products. Fresh fruits and vegetables and meats don't often appear on those apps. I do surveys and find a fair amount of success with free gift cards or donations, which is nice. Not a big money making scheme, but it's nice to get free stuff once in a while. Paid for my latest Anne Rice book. Anyway, they recommend a few online savings accounts, so I am going to try a couple, see which one pays the most and try saving that way.  I figure, through those and the student loan elimination, we should see a much brighter financial status during 2017.

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Don't worry, it won't be that surreal...I don't think.

Anyway, there you have it. My five point plan for the year of the flaming cock. Hopefully when it comes time to bid 2017 adieu, I shall strut like this fella.
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He is definitely working his mojo amirite?

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