Saturday, December 31, 2016


Yup. This is it. Week 52. New Year's Eve. Looking back over the year, I have to ask, did I stick to some of those aspirations I had as I set out into 2016? On the whole, yeah. I did. It's reassuring that something about 2016 went according to plan.
2016 explosion explode new years last week tonight with john oliver
Not much else did, so at least there's that.

Writing: I wanted to get back to blogging, and I have. I have written one blog per week. While it hasn't been every week, it does average out to one per week. 52 for the year. That's a big accomplishment for me to have stuck with it for the whole year. Good for me. While I didn't then take the next step and explore publish-for-pay opportunities in a serious fashion, I did get into the habit and practice of writing. I did look into paid gigs...just not with any kind of earnest effort. That may be this summer's endeavor. However, I have found a routine and a stronger writing style.
Image result for goat
Self-satisfied goat is taking a much deserved break.

Teeth: I needed to devote some time to my teeth. Frankly, the poor things had suffered thanks to the TMJ, the Sjogren's, the grinding, the neglect *sigh. I just needed to take better care of them. I was much better about the dental hygiene and it showed. Much better dental reviews and less tartar, fewer lupus blisters, fewer bleeding gums days from the Sjogren's.  All things considered, much improved.
Go ahead bunny. It's worth smiling about.

Social media: I stopped checking it in the morning. I just needed to step away from it in life. So I started in the morning to get a fresh start to my days. I also avoided it quite a lot during the day only checking in periodically at lunch, but not really a regular thing. I think I may further restrict myself. Perhaps no mornings and no right before bed. I put the app on my phone to filter out the blue waves that interfere with your body winding down for sleep, but I think for my own well-being I should just devote a smaller portion of my focus to social media. Right before bed may not be needed in the coming year. We shall see.
Sometimes that's all I feel when I look through my  newsfeed. Not really the right mood for sleeping.

I'm not sure what 2017 has in store for me or the world. I'm not sure what I want to focus on for the coming year. I'll be considering that this evening as I sit down for dinner with my family. I know I need some changes. I know some stuff needs some retooling and some needs just outright banishing. But those are thoughts for another blog. In due time...I hear 2016 has a few seconds to spare anyway.

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