Sunday, April 8, 2018

Dry Spell

Here we are in the second week of April; well into spring. However, in Montana we seem to be experiencing second winter. It was about 20 on Friday, about 30 yesterday, and today it looks like we might get to 38. Of course, we're at 28 right now. *sigh* I'm not going to complain too much about it though as I want to get as much precipitation as possible to avoid another catastrophic fire season. Along with the winter temperatures and snow though the winter dryness persists.
Image result for goat winter
How you doin' with that dryness, Goat 1 and Goat 2? 

I don't spend much time talking about Sjogren's as other issues have taken the forefront in recent months. Winter dryness is difficult for everyone, but when you have Sjogren's it is just that much worse. You can use all the recommendations for dry skin and eyes that you read online like pat your skin dry after a shower, only spend 5 minutes in the shower with lukewarm water, use lotion while your skin is still wet, and run a humidifier. Even with all those, Sjogren's folks are dry like the dust bowl.
the sandlot dust GIF
That's about right.

I've been searching for a facial skin regimen that will work for me. I tried the Korean Y.E.T. cleanser that uses snail slime as a moisturizer. It has a strong fragrance that I'm not fond of, but it does moisturize nicely. You have to use it consistently, not just once or twice a week for it to really be a benefit. I also use lavender day and night lotion from Avalon Organics. Love the smell, but it's not enough. A friend recommended a Crystal Charcoal Black Mask Sheet-Collagen to help moisturize and that is wonderful. I have to use it twice a week. Honestly, I'd like to use it more often, but I'll follow the label. Still though, my skin gets dry and flaky. Not as bad without these items, but still. You'd think my face would be happy and soft. Nopers. Still flaky. *sigh* I've even tried using a mask of baking soda once a week. Then there's the unfiltered apple cider vinegar as an astringent. Both of these help too, but I haven't found the precise formula with all these options that will keep the flakiness away. The ACV really helps with blackheads, which is a bonus. Work in progress I guess.
I can put the lotion on my skin you sicko. Won't make it better for anyone.

Then there's the rest of your skin that needs special care as well. Not only do I have to pat dry after a shower, I have to put a water activated lotion on before the pat down. I also have Gold Bond Extra Strength Medicated for when the skin on my legs is so itchy I can't bear it. I've broken blood vessels in my legs from scratching. I have lotion at school of course since I wash my hands after using the bathroom as well as before eating and after eating. I wash a lot. Let's just leave it at that. The trick is to find that lotion that moisturizes without making your skin break out. I read an advice article about products for Sjogren's dryness and ordered some items online. The Alba body butter should be here soon. Hopefully the fragrance won't be too strong that it sets off a migraine. Fingers crossed.
You got it, Kathy. Strong smells ain't worth it. Nuh-uh.

The dryness also makes your eyes a HUGE issue. A few years back I got the plugs in my eye ducts. This is common in dry climates like this one. Despite this, I have had to use just about every brand of moisturizing contact solution as well as every brand of eye drops. It's unreal. When you have Sjogren's, your days of wearing contacts are numbered. I wear my contacts sparsely now. A few times a week I wear glasses instead to work. I just can't face the contacts some mornings. I also wear glasses all weekend. I use Systane drops in the morning and the afternoon. I use the ointment tears overnight. Still got the grit and dryness lately. Those contacts come out as soon as I get home. I keep a pair of glasses in my purse in case the contacts have to come out while I'm at work. I've rubbed my dry, gritty eyes so much that I've caused stippled bruising around my eyes. I've even scratched my eyeball more than once from the rubbing. Last time, I had a rather large fuzzy spot in my field of vision and had to go see the eye doctor.
Almost, but it was right in the center of my vision field. And round.

Interesting side note: he totally hit on me. He gave me his personal cell number and made it clear that he doesn't give it to just anyone and there was that emphasis when he handed the card to me. He held it until I made eye contact, then he let go. Peeper creeper.
You get the idea.

When you have Sjogren's, you totally have to up your dental hygiene too. Brush twice a day with a preservative free toothpaste. Floss at least once (but twice is better) a day. Use a mouth rinse. Biotene is popular, but I didn't like it at all. The Total Care from Listerine works for me, and they do make it alcohol-free. Then there's also the take a water bottle with you wherever you go strategy. I'm also trying some lozenges that promise to create more saliva. Spry mints for during the day and Xylimints for at night. I've had a lot of sores and blisters in my maw lately, so I am trying to get back to the oil pulling as well. I fell off my routine with that one. Oops. Since that lapse, I've not only had more mouth sores, but I've had bleeding gums and broken teeth. Three in fact. In the last year. I also had a cavity last check up. First one since I started using the oil pulling, so best get back at that one. With Sjogren's, be prepared for dental insurance. I finally started buying it three years ago because some of my molars have significant fillings where they've broken and crowns are in my near future. Insurance assholes like to say they won't pay for crowns until after you've had insurance for at least a year. Bastards.
Fucking racket, right Eric?

Nasal sores are also a thing as are sores at the corner of the mouth. Thankfully, bacitracin helps clear those up overnight. Ayr nasal salts or spray also keep things moist and free from bleeding in the sniffer.
I'm not entirely sure what's going on here either, 
but it is definitely not helping nasal dryness.

For women, there's the added bonus of vaginal dryness. Just get comfortable with lube people. It's your friend. Some use coconut oil for this. What don't people use coconut oil for amirite? Some years ago I was talking about sex and intimacy with a close friend. The topic of lube came up and I mentioned how I was experiencing terrible dryness and sex without lube was painful. She kinda snorted and said that she's never had that problem. It came out rather judgey like because I needed lube, my sex life was clearly not as good as hers. She'd probably be horrified to think about her response now, but it made me mad at the time. I mentioned to her that she was lucky to have such plentiful vaginal lubrication instead of the unending drought of my Sjogren's vagina. The conversation ended at that point.
Oh yes, Mr. Dinklage. You've got it right there.

Lastly, I'm trying some omega-3 again. The pills are huge and hard to swallow. With the Sjogren's, pills can get stuck a lot. Large ones are even worse. Krill is stupid expensive, so the smaller size is easier, but too damned costly. Flax seed is nice, but it's not enough at 3 tablespoons a day. Last time I was on omega-3 fish oil, I started getting really nauseated. My GI doc told me to stop the fish oil. That was years ago; I'm hoping it's been long enough that I can try again. I found some liquid type instead to put in my smoothie etc. I'm hoping it helps without the nausea. When I was taking the pills, I was taking a fairly high dose and my rheumy was worried about the fact that I was still so dry. We'll see how this goes.
No witty remark about my fish oil. It's just terribly cute.

Almost 20 years ago it all started with repeatedly blocked and infected salivary glands. It took a lupus flare for the doctors to figure out that the salivary gland problem was actually a symptom of Sjogren's. The dryness is the most well-known issue with Sjogren's, but there are plenty of others like the peripheral neuropathy and organ involvement and achy joints etc. as well as the skin and brain lesions. Google those skin images. I dare ya. There's also the added benefit of lymphoma. I have a family history as well, so there's that. Yeah me.
Why hello there Tom. Nice distraction technique you have there.

Anyway, winter can go away now. I'm ready for warmer temperatures and sunny skies. My parched body is ready, too. Pardon me, but it's time for my afternoon eye drops.
Image result for moose
Be sure you pat dry and moisturize when you get out, Moose.

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