Sunday, April 22, 2018

This Is Not The Post I Wanted To Write Today

I have a commitment to write my blog once a week. This I have done faithfully. I had a plan of what to write today. But I won't. Not today.
Image result for goat
Nope. Nat today, Goat. Not today.

I've had a migraine since yesterday morning. I made it to my haircut. I made it through the grocery store. I even got some work done in the yard today. All with a terrible, knife-like pain through my eye and a persistent wallop across my noggin. 
great british baking show GIF by PBS
That's pretty much it. GBBS-style. 

Now that I've pushed through some chores and such, I sit in my robe fighting nausea. The sunlight from a glorious spring day is leaking through from where Hissy pushed through to her gazing window. The light is not so welcome though. 
I don't think that's possible in this case, Eddie.

So that's it. That's all I got. No more. Thank you and good night.
Image result for moose spring
Commitment managed, Moose. Commitment managed. Now eat your flower.

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