Sunday, June 10, 2018

Have Chronic Illness, Will Travel

I'm taking a trip soon. A friend and I are going for a few days to the Pacific NW coast. We've never been to the city we have chosen as our destination, so this should be a fun and exciting trip of firsts. However, in the recesses of my consciousnesses is the fear of pain.
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Sorry, Goat. I can't claim you as a comfort animal.

I'm packing my eye mask of course. One aspect I've written about before is the need for consistent sleep patterns. With the time change, this could prove a bit of a struggle. Interrupted sleep cycles can wreak havoc on all chronic conditions in my menagerie. I will do my best to keep well-rested and regular with all things slumber-related. Hopefully, it will keep things like fibromyalgia and migraines at bay.
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That's right, Pooh Bear. Rest well.

Since we're going to the coast, that means a big elevation change as well as weather systems that are decidedly rainy. I know that drastic weather changes and rainy storm systems often bring on the migraines and achy joints. The weather report is looking mostly clear for the trip, but you never really know with weather. Even so, I just hope that it won't set off the fireworks in my head. Luckily, my friend gets it. She graciously asked if we should buy tickets for an event early or wait and see how I'm doing. That is truly a compassionate gesture. I'd hate to get tickets and then wake up with blinding pain, photo/phonophobia, nausea, and/or balance issues and not be able to refund or transfer our tickets. I've tried pushing through pain because of pre-planned excursions, and it only amplifies the migraine experience. I'll pack my triptans, but you just never know what things may come.
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That's right, Simon. That's the face I make every time I see a storm forecast.

On the more embarrassing side is the IBS. Travel notoriously fucks with your body when you deal with IBS. Usually, I get constipated, which leads to noxious gases, bloating, and terrible cramping. It doesn't really matter how well I eat; it happens regardless when I travel. I used to think I could mitigate the results by being hyper-vigilant about my diet, but that didn't prevent the humiliating gastro-consequences. I'll pack my IBS supplements, watch my food intake, and keep Gas-X in my purse, but I know this one will cause me no small amount of trouble.
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Oh! Hermione, I wish you could wave your wand and rid me of this scourge.

Oddly enough, I'm not as concerned about the lupus. I have my zinc oxide sunblock. I have a floppy hat. I have a spanky shade umbrella. I have my UV shirts. I really think this will be the least of my worries. I did purchase a new UV swimsuit that has long sleeves. I'll save a bundle on sunscreen, but that's for other trips later this season.
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Hopefully, this will not be me.

I got my saliva-inducing tablets and my eye ointment to help with the dryness. As long as I carry my trusty water bottle, the Sjogren's should be OK  as well.
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I could be wrong, but I don't think that's quite how it works, Cat.

Anyway, travel always comes with that extra bit of anxiety and fear to temper your excitement. I wish that wasn't the way it is, but it is. You can prepare all you want, but there's no guarantee when it comes to chronic illness. Regardless, I will eat new foods, see new places, and spend time with a dear friend. Chronic illnesses be damned.
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"Sometimes the greatest meals on vacations are the ones you find when Plan A falls through."
I'll remember your lessons, Anthony. We'll all remember.

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