Friday, June 22, 2018

Travel and Consequences in Portland

Portland is indeed weird. Not exactly what I expected, yet still what I expected if that makes sense. I enjoyed myself, and I would return for further touristy good times. Per my previous post about traveling concerns, I figured I'd do a follow-up. I wasn't far off from my predictions.
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Hey, Goat! Saw some of your relatives at the Portland Zoo.

Migraines were the immediate problem. Too little sleep prior to leaving meant popping a triptan in the airport before even boarding to leave. That really made travel suck. Then after our first night, I still had it when I woke up at 3am. I stayed buried in my blankets, but it was futile. I popped another triptan before venturing out for our day. It wasn't until 2ish in the afternoon that things started to clear. The migraine reared its head again just in time for traveling home. Too little sleep before leaving. Clearly, the well-established sleeping pattern I have honed over time really doesn't like being fooled with. Good to know. Side note: When I popped the first Zomig in Portland, I discovered the pharmacy gave me 1 box of the form I use and 2 boxes of the melt in your mouth variety I can't stand. In case you don't know, those taste awful. Not at all like M&Ms.
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You can run, but you can't hide. I will find you!

IBS was another a major discomfort as predicted. Travel just likes to tie my guts into knots. Cramping, bloating, and no satisfactory bowel movements. I behaved myself food-wise, too. Portland is a totally gluten-free friendly location. That made it helpful. Also, my travel partner is well-versed in navigating the gluten free waters. I got worried when I had a delicious pastrami sandwich, though. I am a sucker for a pastrami on rye. I asked for it GF, so I expected it to be the same bread type as hers, but it was definitely a rye. It could've been GF, but I'm not certain as my mouth broke out in ulcers right away. I wouldn't be able to really tell any intestinal issues I suppose since my guts were already in a state of rebellion. Of course, perhaps this is just more evidence that rye affects me to a lesser degree than white or whole grain. Who knows? I'm home and feeling better.
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Yes, but is it gluten free?

While the lupus behaved itself for the most part, I did have a lovely run in with sun stupidity. I faithfully wore sunblock and UV protective shirts (OK, one day I went with out a UV shirt) to prevent too much crappiness. Couldn't stop the sun stupid since being outside is kinda part of being a tourist. Sun stupid happens when I've been in the heat and sun too long. We went to the PRIDE parade and then took a walking tour. Both were great fun and I learned a lot about Portland's history. I also saw a lot of pasties, assless pants, and speedos. Unfortunately, I began to feel my mojo drain from me the closer we got to the tour's end. I was getting a bit woozy and feeling floaty by the time we reached the tour's storefront for the underground portion of the tour. I didn't hit the wall as is sometimes the case. That would've meant calling a Lyft back to the bungalow so I could nap; I wouldn't have made the walk to the train or bus stop. I'd've fainted first I think. However, my spacey self had to call off the Chinese garden since it would have been more time outdoors. Time in Powell's Books helped me cool off and regain some of my faculties so I didn't wander into traffic or get the dizzies, but I was still kinda out of it. No lupus lesions or full on flare, but definitely a case of the sun stupid. Good times.
change of seasons goodbye GIF by Lisa Vertudaches
You don't have to be so pleased with yourself, Sun. 

After some much needed catching up on sleep, I am feeling pretty good now. I have a camping trip next week and a Friendcation 2018 at a cabin in Western Montana after that. I'll behave myself as best I can, but I know that even that might not be enough. Not letting my Portland woes stop me from these events, but I'll know more what to expect.
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Find some shade. Get some rest. Good plan, Moose.

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