Sunday, September 11, 2016

Easing into Autumn's Rest

I've just spent the last hour and halfish out in the backyard with my husband tidying the yard for the end of the growing season. We've got a few weeks yet until Mabon, but a little bit of action each weekend helps ensure that we get all the little things done. Besides, we needed to put that new weed whacker to use!
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I know, Goat. You'd have been perfect for the job. Silly  laws against livestock in city limits.

Today it is about 20 degrees cooler than yesterday. It's also cloudy and threatening rain. It drizzled while we were outside, but nothing major. Still, we donned our work clothes and set to our task. I trimmed the shrubberies along the alley. My husband took the weed whacker to the long and unruly growth around the garden, the alley, the neighbor's fence, and around the front. The thing is wonderful. Unfortunately, my husband's arms are more than a wee bit tight and sore from it. Stupid rheumatoid arthritis. He took the power tool for a spin yesterday as soon as the battery had enough charge to work, and even that short spurt made his body yell. Yet, he was out there today. Hopefully, with Epsom salt and some ibuprofen, he'll not be in too much pain.
girls star trek mini yell figures
Oh dear. Hopefully not that!

I got the weeds pulled out of my herb garden. The Russian sage and the oregano both died. Not sure if the frequent hailstorms took them out or if the neighbor's spraying got them. I don't think the August heat got to them. They are under the shelter of a mighty Box Elder tree and the drip system kept them watered. I trimmed down the lilly stalks, tamed the lemon balm, and apologized to several earthworms for rudely digging them up out of the soil. Seeing so many ladybugs still enjoying our yard filled me with happy thoughts. I wound up the drip hose and put it in the only container we have outside right now: a blue Rubbermaid trash can.
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This is not our garden.

My husband tended the asparagus patch and blanketed it with mulch. He also trimmed the branches on the tree over the herb garden so it's not touching our heads or the cable line to the neighbor's house. He got some of the more wayward weeds out of the garden and rounded up the dead cabbage and cruciferous plants that have already given their vegetables. He discovered lemon balm and horehound growing by the raspberries and the gourds. He decided he won't be able to turn the compost until the gourds finish their season. We've got some ginormous pumpkins (one is 27" inches from stem to bottom and 47" inches around its middle) as well as some Jack be Littles that need some more time in addition to some of the largest acorn squashes we've ever grown. The gourds all decided that the garden really belongs to them and no other human or plant. So the compost shall wait. Probably until we do our final harvest in October with the gourds and the Brussels sprouts. Then we'll till the plot and rotate the compost and set the garden to rest until spring.
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My! What lovely gourds you have.

While we worked, the smell of the lavender in the herb garden delighted me. I think next season I shall fill in the herb garden with as many varieties as possible. I've heard some growers say our area is too cold for lavender, but it's always grown well for me. I heard robins chatting, Canada geese honking, and the thoughts in my head being mulled over. My nose filled with scents of wood burning stoves. My long sleeved shirt provided little protection as the crisp, cool air raised goosebumps on my skin. It truly feels like autumn today.
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I love this rainy autumn feel.

Now my husband has a roast in the crockpot for dinner. I am sipping a cup of ginger zucchini soup. I think some more candles and tea are in order for this Sunday. It's supposed to be a day of rest after all. The earth is making its transition to sleep during the dark time of the year. Apples, cinnamon, pumpkins, and cloves will be added to menus. Socks, sweaters, long pants, and scarves appear regularly. Leaves have started to turn and will begin to fall soon. My favorite time of the year has arrived.
That'll do, Snoopy. That'll do.

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