Friday, January 13, 2012

Abra--Abra--- Abracadabra! I Wanna Reach Out and Grab Ya!

Yahoo!  We’re into the 3rd part of the book.  The part that I really wanted to get to.  The part that got me thinking about my choices and what to do about them in the first place.  Viola!  Part Three: Your Own Tradition.  What a most excellent title.  I love that as a solitary I get to set the pace and routine and well let’s face it—I’m in control.  I do so love feeling like I have control.  I think SC’s comment about adhering to a tradition based in a framework of what Wicca is ensures that the religion itself doesn’t completely disintegrate.  I guess that’s why we need to read, read and read some more so we can identify the core of what Wicca is before striking out on our own tradition.  Personally, following the “harm none” and the wheel of the year celebrations is the scaffold around which I built my tradition.
I do enjoy the creative aspect of Wicca.  I enjoy going through a process for a full moon spell when I have to track down color, herb, candle, oil and write the chants  or spells.  I am more deeply involved that way.  With my previous religious experiences I felt like I had to recite the rosary for everything or keep the holy days in the same way year after year.  I lost interest.  It was not personal.  Now I make it deeply personal when I set out to pray or cast a spell for someone in need.  That’s not to say I always make my own rituals.
I borrow from just about every author I’ve read from SC to Fiona Horne to online sources and yes, even Silver RavenWolf.  I borrow a little here, tweak a little there, mish-mash together and eventually something brilliant happens.  Ok, maybe not always brilliant, but usually satisfying at least.  Stay tuned for the really good stuff that is coming in the next few posts.  Seriously—this is when the magic happens.

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