Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Did It! Work in progress...


Purify self:  shower with rosemary and salt and visualize letting go of the past

Purify space:  burn rosemary and pine on a charcoal disc prior to ritual

Sacred space:  yellow altar cloth, wheel of the year disc with white candles anointed with frankincense oil at points and orange anointed candle in the center

Cast the circle

Recite Blessing Chant:

            I call upon the source of all creation,

            The mother Goddess and father God,

            Along with the spirits of the elemental realms

            To bless this time, this place and I who join with you in celebration.


            Goddess—Mother Goddess of sky and sea

                        Create in me inspiration’s light

                        I call to you to be with me

                        Join me here for Imbolc’s rite.

            God—Father God of sun and forest

                        Awaken again from cold slumbering night

                        I call to you to leave your rest

                        Bring to the world your Imbolc light.

Rite:    Festival of light as the Son returns

            I welcome rebirth as the fire burns

Light the candles

Write my goals for the year and any plans I would like blessed

            In myself let feel your rebirth bright

            Breathe in me inspiration tonight

            Burn for me a path to tread

            Nurture your world from darkness to light

Burn my list and let it smolder in the cauldron

Simple feast of dairy and spice:  pepper jack cheese and milk

            Lord and Lady bless this milk and cheese

            Products of your love’s bounty

            May it feed me with your loving spirit

            Thank you for this meal.

Reflect on the hope and promise of a new season of life and creativity.  Thank the Lord and Lady and spirits of the elemental realms.

Close circle.


Living Wicca SC

            Page 123 colors white, green, blue


Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practioner

            Page 67-68 purify after winter, cleanse, renew, fire=illumination and inspiration

            Snow and evergreens

            Page 139  snowflake decorations, white flowers, snow from outside

            Orange candle-musk, cinnamon, rosemary, or frankincense oils

Witch: A Magickal Journey Fiona Horne

            Page 63-65 Oils: cinnamon sex magick, frankincense purify and protect

            Page 38-40  Colors: orange—legal, confidence, pride, empathy

                                    White—cleanse, protection, spirituality

                                    Green—prosperity and good luck

            Page 278-280  Incense—dragon’s blood powder, frankincense, musk oil

                                    Spring cleaning

                                    Yellow cloth—creativity and inspiration

Wicca The Complete Craft   DJ Conway

            Page 79           awaken maiden aspect, renewal and new beginnings

            Page 211         dragon’s blood—love, purify, protect

                                    Frankincense—raise vibrations, purify, protect

            Page 271         white candle—Goddess

                                    Green candle—the God

            Page 371         Cinnamon oil—protect heal clairvoyance

                                    Spiritual vibration, prosperity association with sun



            Page 406         New beginnings, new goals, new life Imbolc incense

Page 433         orange candles for major changes, encouragement, prosperity, creativity, success and energy


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