Saturday, January 28, 2012

Eye of Newt

OK, so I have been simmering on this topic for a few days because I didn't want to overreact.  My gut reaction to Newt Gingrich's recent remarks about gay marriage being a "perfectly pagan behavior" made me really confused.  Perfectly pagan?  What the hell right?
Many responses to this comment by the former Speaker of House rightfully point out his triple play marriage.  He's Catholic, which means he has pulled a bit of a Henry the 8th with the whole marriage-divorce thing.  He has truly taken his marriage vows seriously. He started when he married his teacher Jackie at the age of 19 in the year 1962--the beginnings of the freelove era (Hahn 2011 With Converts Like Newt -Why He's an Embarrassment to Catholics.) Ok, so youthful indiscretion I guess and he decided that the whole hot for teacher thing wasn't what he really wanted so he got a divorce.  Ya know, the Catholic church makes the whole divorce thing kinda hard.  My uncle got a divorce and so did my cousin and guess what?  The Catholic church has these rules--you need to essentially get them to sign off on the wedding never having been valid.  You need letters from people who were there and who are willing to attest to the wedding being a non-event.  It's weird. They can wave their magic wand and say the wedding never happened, but Newt doesn't think pagans should wave their magic wands for religious practice to heal the divide that is present between the right and the left, secular and religious or maybe even for his poor ex who he left when she was gravely ill.  Hmmmm.
Newt also asked for an open marriage according to one of his ex wives.  Well, let me see here, last I checked Catholicism wasn't really down with that and it certainly flies in the face of one man-one woman under Defense of Marriage which Newt so ardently supports now that he's grasping for power.
You see, Newt has also said that he is running for POTUS because he has a moral obligation to run since the others running simply aren't good enough people AKA Christians.  Wow--that's humility for you.  Pride much Mr. Newt?  You do realize that according to Catholic teachings pride is one of the seven deadlies right?  So you have lust and now pride...seems like a lovely stew of Dante-esque proportions brewing for good ol' Newt. I'm sure I could keep going with the 7 deadly sins, but I think you see my point.  Maybe not, so let me state it plainly: 
Newt is deflecting the real story here with blame directed at the pagans.  He is playing the same game that he has for years with idea of point the finger at the other guy in hopes that the public buys it and doesn't look too closely at his hypocrisy or his callousness or his misguided righteousness.  By trying to draw a line connecting paganism, gay marriage, and the fall of civilization, he is attempting to distract attention from him.  If people see pagans as the bad guys, then he's free to do what he wants and behave how he wants even at the risk of violating the very doctrine he has taken an oath to uphold.  At one time he swore to represent the citizens under the Constitution--all citizens, not just the Christian ones.  If his idea of representation under the Constitution means that he can behave however he wants because he's a Catholic who need only go to confession to absolve himself of his sins, but my friends who have been in a monogamous marriage for over 10 years and have survived one of them having a brain tumor and years of recovery are the reason of our decline as a nation then I don't want his version of representation.  These two men have shown more decency and love in their relationship than Newt's behavior has demonstrated in my opinion.  It's not about Catholic.  It's not about Pagan.  It's about human decency and liberty. 
Therefore Mr. Newt Gingrich, you can live your life the way you want.  I don't care if you decide that your current wife is also disposable because you find yet another pretty thing to turn your head.  I don't care if you make all kinds of money as a "consultant."  I don't care if you think you are the only candidate to save the country from it's current state.  This pagan rebukes you.  This pagan will vote against you.  This pagan will continue to live life according to the Wiccan rule harm none because that is what America the free is all about.  I may not be prefectly pagan, but I know that everyone deserves the right to live the life they want to live without a hypocrite grabbing for power to persecute them.

1 comment:

  1. Newt needs a boot (to the head). I have never been a fan of Newt and really despise those who utilize religion as a tool for power against the people. "I say this but do that and I claim this and ignore that." Goes back to my belief of organized religion being a way to control the masses. Maybe we should go back to posting heads on spears to show the justification and power of a god. Scary world we live in...
