Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sometimes We Are Our Own Best Teachers

Nearing the end of this exercise!  The end is nigh!  Chapter 22 is all about teaching others about Wicca.  Specifically it addresses providing instruction for a student.  I must say, this makes me a little uncomfortable.
First of all, I believe spirituality to be a highly personal journey. With Wicca, there are a lot of different avenues out there and I chose solitary because I like it that way.  If I had wanted a coven experience, I would have sought that, but I didn't.   Instead I started researching.  As I did more digging I uncovered a wealth of information, some rubbish, but still a wealth of knowledge that allowed me to reflect on my own beliefs.  My reading and investigating and reflecting brought me to this point in my life.  I have a deeper understanding of my worldview and my connectedness to all others because of this journey.  I honestly don't think I have any business telling another person how they should practice their faith.  I have in the past directed people who asked about it to some good books on the topic--ones I found personally beneficial--but I have no desire to provide direct instruction on Wicca to the masses.
I do possess adequate knowledge and reference materials to offer assistance to someone who is confused or has questions.  I do have the skills and patience to teach someone.  I wouldn't be teaching for my own glorification.  However, I don't really want to teach.  I feel I have far more to learn before I ever take on a student etc.  I have toyed with the notion of setting  up a commune of sorts based on paganism.  This is a long range retirement type goal.  When I look at teaching in that perspective, I believe I need to be even more knowledgeable and resourceful.  I also would like to see it more as a discussion of ideas...rather Socratic ya know?  Read, learn, ask questions and discuss the issue thoroughly before arriving at your personal truth and understanding.  Transcendentalists would be proud.  I just don't think that my way is the right way for all and if someone really wants an in-depth relationship with the Goddess and the God, they need to be willing to find their own way, too.  


  1. What a wonderful idea!! Where do I send the donation for the commune?

  2. C/O Tigerlily Inc.
    PO Box 1974
    Are You Serious, Cool Beans

    I've been mulling it over for a while now. I really would like something akin to what they are doing up at Arlee with the Buddhist temple.
