Saturday, January 21, 2012

Symbolically Speaking of Book and Shadows

So I didn't blog yesterday.  This is how I justify it:  really busy day at work with end session paperwork fun and Family Friday dinner and the chapter was really not calling out for acknowledgement.  Honest and for true.  The chapter is pages and pages of symbols.  Many of the symbols I've used and some I've looked at and scratched my head thinking, "What the fuck is that?"  So yeah--I just really didn't want to engage that topic.  It was one that I was struggling to find an angle worth writing about.
Today's chapter is way cooler.  It's about starting your own Book of Shadows.  Cue Smiths song from Charmed.
I had a was a composition notebook covered in pink plaid paper, swirly cutouts, and a quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson about how man casts off his worry when in the woods.  I really liked it--except for the pink part, but it was a gift made with kindness and love and the quote rocked. And then the unthinkable happened...
My feline companions peed on it.
I'm not kidding.  I was appalled.  At the time this happened two of our three kitties were constantly fighting and marking and generally being sodding terrors of fur.  This incident was at the point in their rage cycle that they were trying to establish who could and could not be in the circle.  See, Hissy and Poof had routine.  One would stand watch at the stairs and one would be in the circle.  Once Link caught on to the events in the basement he was all the typical curious cat stereotypes and Hissy couldn't stand it.  He is indeed a large cat and he doesn't realize how large he is and Link would knock stuff over or try and light his tail on fire.  Familiar training was not going well.  Consequently, I had to say goodbye to my BoS and I haven't got around to replacing it.
I think I shall type this one so that I have copies of spells, rune readings and musings saved on my computer.  I like the idea of handwriting the BoS and it is fun to try more scripted and stylized handwriting at times, but it's not worth losing everything again.
When I do start making my BoS again, I think I will include a tabbed section for frequently said spells.  I think having the herbs, colors, numbers, stones etc on a quick sheet would be awesome.  Also, since I'm writing my Imbolc ritual this year, why not just write one for each this time and keep 'em?  I say it shall be done!  I see a trip to the office supply store in my future....don't need a binder, got, plenty.  Markers.  Printer paper.  Color cartridge.  Document sleeves.   Is it wrong to put the BoS on a thumbdrive?  Portable is all the rage nowadays.  It's funny to think of the digital BoS.  I could attach ribbons to decorate it.  Of course, it's so small and now has ribbons I could see my feline companions having a field day with it and then I'd be back where I started.

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