Thursday, January 19, 2012

Now I Need a Moses

Rules.  Rules are everywhere.  Humans love their rules.  Apparently Wiccans do too.  It seems somehow redundant to me…if we follow harm none, then isn’t that enough?  However, I suppose in a coven with so many different humans it might be a good thing to have some guidelines, but as a solitary it’s pretty straightforward.  However, perhaps there is something I am missing so I set out to write my own laws. 
1.            Harm none through thought, word or deed.  Honor all living beings as they come from the Goddess and the God.  Therefore give thanks for the food and drink They provide and do not willingly take any life unless it is to preserve my own.
2.            Feel the presence of the divine through the dynamic and diverse world around me and continue to look for it when everything else seems bleak.
3.            Keep the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of my abilities using the most profound sincerity and love.
4.            Continue to seek knowledge and perspective in all things as life is a journey full of lessons and everyone/everything has something to teach.  Share my knowledge with compassion, patience and love.
5.            Be watchful and wary of any who would seek to gain dominion over me.  My life and my liberty are mine to pursue.  May the Goddess and the God guide me to respect the life and liberty of all.

Hmmm, perhaps it was a good idea to give them voice on the page.  The writing them down and the editing and the revision I think was helpful to articulate them just right.  They aren’t just my rules on Wicca, they are rules for how I live.  Imagine that.

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