Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3 Can I throw a sickie and still be Wickie?

Today's chapter is all about whether or not you are effective in ritual when you're under the weather.  The first time I read this book I thought, "Are you kidding me?  They need a chapter on that?  Gimme a break."  Of course, my mom rarely ever accepted that as an excuse not to go to church on Sundays, but I now know after a few years of practice that I've felt too sick to develop an energetic circle sometimes let alone put any oompff into a spell.  It makes sense right?  You have to prepare yourself physically, psychically and emotionally and it's exhausting sometimes especially if you have any kind of fatigue issues. 
I think Cunningham offers valuable common sense advice on this issue.  You have to know your body very well to do this kind of spiritual expression.  You can't spend what you don't have.  There are other ways to still express your pagan beliefs other than big ritual.  Healing prayer is sometimes quite grounding.  Meditating is very helpful for anxiousness and the brain that won't stop.  One lovely thing about this path is that it is highly individual and you guide it.  Do what you can and accept when you need healing too.
That connection to the spiritual boost in a solid circle is something I've been noticing lacking lately. When it's there, it is exhausting but it also makes me feel like I have a little say in the Universe.  That's envigorating.  Anyway,  I have been feeling physically well for quite a while...ok so I was before Christmas...been back on proper eating plan since Jan. 1 and feeling better...but I've been waning on the psychic link thing.  My dreams are kind of stunted right now, which bothers me.  I'm not remembering my dreams and that's not a good sign.  It's disupting my mojo!  Consequently I'm feeling off.  I recognize my body and mind are not balanced.  I'm working on it and I know that until I do, I shouldn't be throwing anything at the Universe because it's not focused.  I really don't want to put more muck out there.  I've done enough of that.  I found it quite liberating not to have guilt over missing ritual.  I always remember pagan events in some way.  It might not be full on circle action, but I'm still mindful of dates and moon phases etc.  The great thing about being solitary--I can give myself permission to celebrate in whatever fashion I want as long as I harm none.  Poof!  There's a big idea.


  1. Made me think of the time I cleansed my house when I was in the wrong frame of mind. Yup, it wasn't pretty.

  2. I've done that too. Not what I intended to happen consequently. I have however dreamt the last two nights! Yippy!
