Thursday, February 28, 2013

Beef: It's What's for Dinner

I had a whole article ready to go.  I emailed it to myself from another computer.  Guess what happened.  Go ahead.  I'll wait.
It got lost in the interwebs.
Gah!  Curse you email demons. *shakes fist
That blog post will have to wait for another date.  Therefore, I shall have to muster up another topic for this evening's post.
How about steak?  My husband and I eat a primal menu most of the time.  We make exception for family gatherings, but most nights it is more meat and veggie and less carby grains.  For the last few nights we've eaten Green Eggs and Turkey which is essentially a turkey, artichoke, broccoli and egg frittata without any kind of bread or crust.  It really is delicious.  We decided though that next time it needs a bit more seasoning.  The green or red Tabascos really do make it pop though.  At first, this entree looked to be enough to make it all the way through the week, but we were ravenous last night and ate more than one serving.  Consequently, we had to do something else tonight.
My husband bought grass-fed rib eyes.
I am totally salivating at this prospect.  He also made parsnip fries and Brussels sprouts with lemon butter.  Then he bought a bottle of Ball Buster wine. I cannot even describe how much I am looking forward to this meal!  The best part is that the weather is warm enough to grill those steaks.  Oh my!  It's Heaven waiting on a plate.  We eat well and we find ways to be economical about it...grass fed rib eyes notwithstanding.
It's so worth it though.  Eating this way has cleared my skin, shaved 25 pounds, reduced inflammation, and given me energy.  It's also incredibly delicious.  I absolutely adore eating!  I liked it before, but now we get to really experiment and try new things and revel in delicious recipes.  I honestly never thought I would be a size 6 again nor did I ever think I would rid myself of the acne that has plagued me since I was 12, but here I am!  Eating amazing food and feeling vital and full of life.
Now I know some people are gonna be all anti-meat.  Ya know what?  Our bodies like meat.  Our consciences may grapple with the ethics of it, but I think making wise choices about where your meat comes from is important.  It's not easy, and we fail at it for the sake of convenience at times, but grass fed meat is scrumptious.  We are animals and we are part of the circle of life.  I am thankful for the steak that just appeared on my plate.  My body needs this kind of food in order to function at its best.  It is time to dig in.  Bon appetite!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Thrill of the New

I finally, after two emails, got a reply to my inquiry about my freelance gig.
They have my Google folders all set up.  I read through the training document.  I should have article assignments by tomorrow.  I am positively giddy with excitement!  I cannot even describe how thrilled I am to have this opportunity.  I feel absolutely insouciant about everything. (I learned that word today.  Had to use it.)  I filled out my article interest list and should be able to start tomorrow.  Huzzah!
I'd post witty pics etc. but Google is being stupid again.  I could save it and transfer over to Firefox, but I am not going to.
Honestly, I really am so incredibly thankful for this chance because I really didn't expect it.  I remember on Imbolc focusing my energy on my creativity and reminding myself to be attentive to those opportunities if they presented themselves; I needed to overcome my fear of failure and take hold of that flame. (there'd be a video here of Queensryche if Google was behaving.)  I meditated on all of the blessings in my life and asked for the Universe to help me remember all that is good while at the same time helping me to find chances for creative growth, and voila! (that'd be a pic in another web browser) I got the invite to write a trial article.
Then I wrote.
Then I waited.
Then I revised.
Then I waited.
Then I got a job offer and went out of my mind with excitement.
Then I waited.
My wait is almost over.
My commitment is the minimum of 6 articles per week to start.  If I can, I will write more, but I should pace myself for now.
Thank you, Universe.  Somehow I found the impetus to get out of my rut and do something creative that is still a way to earn a living if and when I should transition out of my current employ.  I am so unbelievably fortunate.  C'mon writing assignment!  I wanna write! (say that ala "I Wanna Rock")

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dream a Little Dream

I took a few days off.  I hope you don't mind, gentle reader.  No reason other than The Muse took a hiatus. I had a perfectly lovely weekend.  I performed at the Day of Dance and I think all of our performances went swimmingly.  I felt particularly connected to my silk veil that day and loved the Niyaz song.
Niyaz is one of my favorite world music selections.  I always seem at peace when I dance to their music.  
I also read a lot of my book.  I am almost finished with it and I must say that the tone and mood of it really intrigue me.  It has a great line in it about laughter unknotting the soul.  How beautiful is that?
You should read the article where I got this pic.  That's LBJ BTW.
I also got to watch half of season 2 Game of Thrones.  I've been waiting and waiting for the DVD release.  The novels are amazing in their scope and detail and HBO has done a remarkable job translating them into television.  Scrumptious...except for Joffrey.  What an ass, or should I say:
I also got to have dinner with my mother in law and brother in law.  Great meal and tons of fun getting caught up.  Thankfully my husband's fever had broken so we were able to celebrate MIL's birthday.  

I then got to talk to my dear friend about her wedding plans.  It's in September and I am matron of honor.  Somehow I feel like I should dress like this:
Nice right?  My friend sent me this pic though:
She's joking of course...I hope she's joking...please let her be joking.

However, none of this is really what I planned to write about today.  You see, I had one of those dreams that I was really enjoying when I was so rudely interrupted by my alarm clock.  I dreamt that I was in this very large amusement park that had a ginormous ocean-like pool for swimming and scuba complete with fish and sea creatures.  I also saw artists of all types painting and sculpting the people who were there to play.  A complete refreshment and snack bar with food cart vendors milled around with the crowd.  I had a gyro.  A mountain for skiing and sledding also provided entertainment.  Nothing cost anything either.  It was pure fun everywhere.  Does this not sound like a thoroughly enticing dreamscape?  I love my dreams.  It's been awhile since I remembered one that wasn't scary or horrible. 
I never actually got to go swimming.  Swimming in a dream usually indicates exploring the subconscious.  I wanted to go swimming with the pretty fish so bad!  Fish in a dream represent knowledge to be gained from the subconscious.  I guess the Muppets were right with their cosmic knowledge fish.  Anyway, the snow also tempted me and I wanted to romp and play, which would indicate a time set aside for rest and relaxation as well as seizing opportunity when it presents itself.  As for the food, it's fairly obvious right?  Nourishment of all kinds that needs to be included in your life.  Hmm, what might a gyro represent?  Meat and veggie is supposedly animalistic and healthy pursuits, but since I was partaking with so many happy people, I think it just shows how content I was last night.  I recall watching an artist start to paint people and her palate was a small paper plate set inside of a rather oversized highball glass.  Apparently I need to express my artistic side a wee bit more.  
Just when I thought I couldn't possibly decide what I wanted to do, Sam Winchester showed up.  He and Dean were on a hunt and I was getting the details and I was going to work with them, when that stupid alarm went off.
If you don't know what this is, it's ok.  I forgive you and you're still my friend.
So what does it say about my subconscious that I want to go on a supernatural hunt with the Winchesters instead of any number of other activities?  I'm clearly disturbed.  Actually, it's indicative of avoiding something.  Now what could that possibly be I wonder?  At least I have excellent taste in my distractions.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Who Knew Thursday Could Be This Good?

I had already decided that today was a good day.
Then I got a compliment I wasn't expecting.  Then I got another.  Apparently teenagers are particularly fond of my purple tie dye jumper.  Along with these compliments on my psychedelic outfit, I was incredibly busy.  My clients also did some fantastic work today and I cannot tell you how proud I am of them. Today was one of those days where I knew I accomplished a great deal because at the end of it all, I sighed one of those deep and contented sighs. 
This is me before 9pm tonight.  It's good to be tired after a job well done.
Just when I thought the day couldn't get better, it did.  Stunning.  I know. I got an unexpected bouquet of flowers.  Since my husband told me about them and he didn't claim responsibility, I figured they weren't from him unless he was being coy.  Nope.  Not coy.  They were from a dear friend who just wanted to let me know I was wonderful.  She's wonderful, too.  I miss being wonderful with her.  Alas!  We must be wonderful from a distance.  
We're on the list.
Then, just when I thought it couldn't possibly get any better, I got a free lance writer contract.  
I don't know, but maybe if a spider says it, they aren't all bad.
Nope, still creepy and crawly.
Anyhoo, I now am on the hook for 6 articles a week.  Topics ranging from animals to finances.  Oh man!  This job is fantastic!  It feeds my creative energies and my nerd need for research.  I also get to flex my writing skills in another forum.  I will keep up with my blog as well since it is far more of the creative side for me, but I get to write professionally.  
Apparently this is a cartoon of rather Gothic proportion.  Odd that it is also the term to let people know online that you are excited.  Ah juxtaposition of imagery and familiar usage.    


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Despite the Initial Reluctance, Tuesday Turned Out OK

I've received a lot of good advice lately.  Mainly because I know awesome people and they read my blog.
I must have amazing luck.  Thanks guys.
I know I set out to choose happiness with my blog this year.  However, no one is happy all the time unless they are on something illegal.  I still believe that I can choose happiness, which is perhaps why this last while presented such a dilemma for me.  To deny those emotions like sadness, grief, and despair is to deny what makes us human.  For all things in this world, there is a balance.  When that balance is not honored, then we run the risk of simply stuffing that so-called "bad" emotion into a garbage can until that garbage can is overflowing.  What comes out at that point is so distorted, mangled and exaggerated that Vesuvius looks like a touch of hot weather.  Sometimes we must allow ourselves to feel the emotion.  It's not like I'm starting a pity party where all I do is cry and eat mint chocolate chip ice cream and watch all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from start to finish.  I do enjoy a spot of killing demons in Diablo though.  It's therapy.

Although watching Buffy kick some vampire ass is also very cathartic at times.

I take my job and its responsibilities very seriously.  Maybe too seriously.  The worst thing I could do is to harm one of my clients in some way.  I want to know what I do is right.  I want to believe that what I am doing enhances their lives.  I want to come home at night and feel satisfied with the day's work I've put in.  I need to feel valued and trusted and effective.  I felt none of that last week or over the weekend.
I also need spring to get here so I can start riding my bike again.  It's a great way to process the muck that transpires some days.
Not really, but wouldn't that be the best bike ever?

  I'm not sure what the next step is for me.  I know that I got word that my trial contract was canceled because I successfully completed my article.  I have not word whether that means they will ask me to write more.  Who knows?  Spring semester on my tutor gig is proving slow.  I suppose I don't have to volunteer to take the time off when the queue is slow, but I have been.  It's probably been in my best interest to slow down a bit.  It does tell me though that as far as a full time gig is concerned, it might be difficult to make ends meet that way.  I'll figure it out.  I have time to ponder. At least I made it through Tuesday without being called a twat. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Goat and the Gemini

My goat is losing the battle.
My goat is what keeps me practical and balanced and focused while my gemini takes me on flights of fancy.  I don't care if you believe in astrology, because I don't particularly put stock in it as more than novelty either.  That said, I do recall finding out that my rising sign was Capricorn and suddenly certain aspects of my personality made more sense than being defined as just a gemini.  Poor ol' goat though is losing this fight.
I truly should just keep on keepin' on, but it's getting so difficult to gather up my inspiration and my courage and my creativity to keep moving forward.  My gemini feels completely devoid of life lately.  I still have my artistic pursuits mind you.  I still dance and love it.  I still play in polymer clay.  I still try to learn new drum moves.  However, my gemini feels like the way to earn our bread and butter sucks big fat hairy appendages. If I had been allowed to return to the way I wanted to proceed, it would be different.  Instead though, my ideas for getting back in touch with my master's program and the joy I experienced fizzled out in the face of duty.  That duty unfortunately seems to be misguided.  Inside I feel this overwhelming need to sob.  Maybe that's what I should do: cry, weep, or wail.  The grieving process has begun.  Maybe I should just accept it and move on.  Feel it.  Experience it.  Acknowledge it.  Then move on.
Please let those editors offer me something.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Today's Irony: Using Firefox to Post a Blog via Google because Google Chrome Can't Load Pics or Vids

I’ve been quiet for a while.  I needed some quiet time because if I had written anything the last few days, it might not have come across in the spirit of making the world a better place.  It probably would have done little more than satisfy my overwhelming need to rant like Dennis Miller or Bill Maher or Louis CK. 
Seriously.  Click those links.  I put them there on purpose.
Today is a new day--a particularly snowy Sunday here in my world.  I have a warm fur child on my lap and I am still in my robe despite having finished my coffee.  Guess what?  I’m not in any rush to change this arrangement.
I’ve spent some of my morning time pondering the cosmos.  I find looking at images of Andromeda galaxy oddly calming.  Looking at pictures from our satellites and telescopes puts everything into perspective.  Just look at this one:
Lovely isn't it?

I relish pondering the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the Multiverse.  If life can live in the harsh environments like acid pools or deep sea heat vents on Earth, imagine what other worlds could be brewing.  How egocentric to assume that we are the end-all-be-all of life.  To think that we are all there is limits us in so many ways. Stopping to consider for a brief moment that in the scheme of what we now know about cosmology, humans are in fact tiny little pinpoints helps keep me in perspective of the trials and tribulations of my day to day life.  Sometimes space feels the need to remind us of our vulnerability. Like this for example:
Space is just a cosmic pool hall sometimes.

When I stop to listen to cosmologists, I am filled with wonder and awe.  Listen to my physicist boyfriend on the topic:

Oh yeah, baby!  That big brain is uber sexy!
I guess my problems at work seem trivial in the scope of a myriad of bubble universes.  The problems still need to be resolved mind you because it is my reality five days a week to make the best of the situation.  I still live in a country that continues to grapple with how to make the best decisions for our laws and success in the world.  At the same time, we ridicule, we shame, we kill and maim instead of celebrating the wonder of our world.  I still live in a world where humanity knows precisely how to destroy itself, but at times forgets how to thrive together as one entity.  We often forget that harmony is way more fun than arguing over dogma. 
Kaku’s comparison to ants drives home that concept of humility for humanity.  Pausing to appreciate just how vast the cosmos truly is keeps me in perspective.  It gives me another way to view everything around me.  What’s really important in life?  How do I keep moving ahead with peace and serenity instead of anxiety and pain? 
I have but one life.  I’d rather it be as peaceful as possible.  As turbulent as the cosmos is, it reminds me that so much more exists to ponder than the money in my account, the turmoil of assessment, the debate over gun control and whether or not an American will be named Pope.  I leave you with my favorite Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.   

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Google Really Needs to Fix Their Insert Image and Video Issues

I got a lot done today.
I accomplished a lot of details and errands and tasks.  My To-Do's got Ta-Done!
Sitting back at the end of day when you know you've accomplished as much as I did really does give you that satisfactory sigh of contentment.
I got a grocery list made before I left for work.  I contacted several people at work to check on some progress indicators.  I got some work done that isn't due until next week.  I updated data entry for someone who has been feeling overwhelmed.  I got a few people back on track after their lengthy absences.  I delivered some crafty pieces to a friend.  A drop hours call at my tutoring gig allowed me to spend my early evening getting caught up online with my social networking.  Got some household chores done.  Like I said:
Few things feel quite as good as getting shit done.  Unless it's giving Poof a good ol' bellyrubbin'.  That's tough to beat.  However, I really do love knowing that my mind can rest at ease because I am on top of my agenda.
So tonight, while I lounge in my contented comfort and watch some more Supernatural, I shall enjoy the bliss for as long as possible...
and try to forget that the people haven't given me a response to my trial article yet.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday = Twat Day

I got called a twat today.  Been a long time since someone hurled that word at me.  Now I really don’t care if someone wants to use that word, but in the setting where I am the authority figure, you betcha I care a great deal about someone referring to me as a twat, especially when I in no way shape or form was behaving in the least bit twattish.  

Did you know that you can’t even do a search for the word twat without modifying your search preferences?  When I Google twat, it also won’t give me any responses.  A search for “twat origin” gives a ton of responses for the word origin.  Rephrase to “origin of twat.”  Nothing.  “Where did the word twat come from.”  Nothing.  “twat AND origin,” “twat + origin,” and origin of the word twat” all give nada, bupkus, zippo.  Maybe I should call Chrysti the Wordsmith at NPR and ask for some help.

                “Hello, you’ve reached Chrysti the Wordsmith.”
                “Hello, I love your segments.  Would you please help me find the origin of the word twat?”

Thing is, my skin is fairly thick.  I’m not going to fall to pieces over being called a twat.  I’m not going to go through the roof or scream and gnash my teeth at this person.  Instead I calmly told her to leave.  That was sufficient display for her and the others.  I know the reason she used it is because she didn’t want to be there and she wanted out.  What better way to get out of the situation than to throw out the most offensive, emotionally-charged word you can think of, right?  When in the face of challenge and name-calling at work, I prefer to keep my emotional response in check.  Not easy mind you and I don’t always succeed, but today I did.  Today I maintained my unflappable reputation.  Today I smiled and carried on and let the epithet roll off me because I had important stuff to do dangit!  The rest of the people had stuff to do.  We accomplished what we set out to do after this person left.  Today I am proud of how I handled the situation.  I am thankful that for whatever reason today, my self-control kicked in so that I was able to manage the situation without showing her any kind of outrage.

Now though, I want wine.  Big—no giant—glass of red wine. 
And chocolate.  There must be chocolate.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I'd Include Witty Pictures, but Google's Error Message Says, "No!"

Today started like a typical Monday.  Hard to wake.  Plenty of coffee.  Then off to work.  Guess what greeted me at 730am.  Go on.  Take a guess.  A total stranger, on his cell phone, growing increasingly irate and dropping f bombs every other word.  I thought about approaching him and doing the whole behavior intervention idea, but as I approached he grew even more quarrelsome with the person on the other end of the line.  I opted to call the office for some back up as I appeared to be the only person on the floor.  Of course, by the time I made the call and the back up arrived, the person had vanished.

That lovely opener aside, Monday improved dramatically from there due mainly to the fact that I said thank you to several people today.  Today seemed a perfect day to let people around me know exactly how much I appreciate them.  Given the phone fit I witnessed, thanking those who make my life easier at work just seemed the thing to do.

To start, one of my closest comrades who I respect with every fiber of my being gave me good news.  We shared a rather unfortunate incident with a higher up last week and we were both mortified.  Well, she met with this boss guy and laid out the true facts of the situation.  Then, she met with another of our mutual muckety mucks and informed him of the details.  When this fellow then said complimentary tidings about me, she made sure he was aware that at the rate things are going, they risk losing good people like me.  I adore this woman.  She's always approachable, always a shoulder to cry on, always an ear to bend, and always supportive.  I truly appreciate the fact that she stuck up for me, that she represented our department as only she can, and that she sought me out to share all of this.  My thank you was spontaneous and genuine and a wee bit teary.

Later on, I had to send out requests for information for some paperwork.  Within minutes I had a response from one fellow who has been faithful and wonderful and truly makes things happen for those I am charged with overseeing.  He made sure to answer all questions I asked.  I sent him a quick email saying how much a appreciate his prompt and thorough reply.  People who respond to those requests really do make my job and the jobs of those in my department easier.  I thought he should know it meant a lot.

Once I started, I couldn't stop.  Every time someone helped me whether through verbal or email communication, I made sure to say thank you.  I thanked the assistant who helped me track down missing papers.  I thanked my husband for calling his sister about this weekend.  I thanked someone for just filling in for another person today despite her discomfort with the topic she had to cover.  I thanked two people for taking their hats off when they came in the building. It was like a wave of gratitude and it felt really good to see all the wonderful people with whom I work brighten at a simple, "thank you."  Clearly we don't say it enough. I urge everyone to say it more.  Recognizing how wonderful those in our lives are--even if their presence is a fleeting moment--impacts those people.  Try it.  If you already do, try it more.  Once you see how much other people do to make your life better, you feel well and truly blessed.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Knock Knock

About ten years ago when I was just starting my career, my husband did a few film gigs.  He and his epic red hair won the part of William Clark in a Discovery Channel special about the Corp of Discovery.  He also auditioned for a reality show and he appeared as an extra in a movie that filmed nearby.  He gave my picture from The Merchant of Venice to the casting agent and I got a call out of the blue.  Apparently the representative for First Interstate Bank wanted me for a commercial shoot the next day.  Super short notice and it meant I'd have to call off my regular job--a job I just started--and drive about 90 minutes to somewhere I'd never been and I'd be wearing a swimsuit in the snow to film this commercial.  While I was flattered, it just seemed so incredibly unethical for me to call in sick and leave all my teammates scrambling so I could go play.  I said no.  Needless to say, the agent never called back.  Thanks in part to this episode, I've grown to a point where I think I should say yes when opportunity knocks.

Consequently,  I'm working three jobs again.  Just to be clear, this isn't a money grubbing ploy to grab all I can.
What?  Every blog needs a little music break now and then.

I am, however, finally taking action to move my career in a new direction and keep it moving.  It all began with a book and an impulse.
Some years ago, my mother gave me a book by Suze Orman.  One detail I recall suggested that women have more than one way to make money.  It took me awhile, but I finally started actively pursuing this idea.  My health concerns finally seemed to be under control, my artistic pursuits were flourishing, and the time seemed right.  I dusted off my resume, did a quick Google search for online tutoring opportunities, and applied to a few sites.  Then, came The Silence.
If you're not a Whovian, you might not get that reference.  I find this hysterical.

The spring came and I attempted to go with the flow as just about everything in my professional life went topsy turvy.  Quite unexpectedly and serendipitously, I received a job offer for an online writing tutor.  The training at times baffled me and I found not being able to speak to an actual person when I was struggling quite vexing.  This is quite funny to me in hindsight because at the time, it was no different than what was going on at my day job where there were actual people!
Anyway, I made it through the training and hit the ground running with 15 hours a week.  That turned out to be a lot.  I wanted at least one day a week to me and my pursuits of reading, crafting, and potentially gaming.  Everyone needs a little rest ya know?
Shockingly, I also had the chance to write a brief article online about my time at the Las Vegas Bellydance Intensive and Festival.  That opportunity was not even remotely on my radar, but I would have been totally insane to pass it up!
I also received another unexpected occasion to edit a novella for someone thanks to a mutual friend's brother.  Word of caution: if you agree to edit for grammar and mechanics and you state verbally that you want to keep communication online, you should always keep a log of what transpires.  We meet some interesting folks in our lives and sometimes the more you get to know them, the less contact you want to have.  Live and learn.  Eventually, I did complete this novella and I did get paid for it and I hope my advice helps this fellow.
By year's end, I added three resume points to my writing record.  Sweet!  I was on a roll!  At the start of this year, I thought maybe I'd explore further and found a site for freelance writing gigs.  After playing around on the site, I concluded that perhaps this was more than I could do right now.  Maybe I should wait until summer when things calm down a bit so I could devote more time to being a freelancer.  Then last week, I received a surprise invite to apply for a potential long-term article assignment.  My shock stems from the fact that I have neither finished my online profile nor have I tons of experience with free lance work; I don't even have my bellydance article linked to my profile.  None of this seems to matter.  The job involves up to 6 articles a week, templates for easy online posting, use of Googledocs, and I get paid...a pittance, but it's paid writing work!  I am awaiting my first assignment.  I'm way more nervous about this than even auditioning for a part in a musical.  More nervous than performing a bellydance with a sword.  More nervous than appearing in a commercial in a bikini.
But I said yes to opportunity.  I'm telling my nervous Doubting Thomas to bugger off.  Holy crap.  What have I done?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm Baaaaack

I've been under the weather lately.  I even stayed in bed for  few days.  Whilst I watched way too many episodes of Glee on Netflix, I also observed some of the more bizarre behavior of the felines who share this house.  Let's begin with the big man himself:  Poofus Ferocicus.

Poof is the biggest lovebug I know.   He loves to give me headbutts of affection.  He adores curling up on my shoulder or along my side to sleep at night.  I am apparently his chosen human.  He willfully tempts me into belly rubs by flopping down on the floor with the illusion that he is going to groom himself.  He then glances to see if I am watching and waits patiently for me to give him a good ol' bellyrubbin' and often he will roll over so that I can then rub his back as well.  Once I have fulfilled this task, his first action is to find Link and swat Link with all the might his almost 12 year old  mitts can muster.  I have no idea why affection from me translates to opening a can of whoop ass on Link, who is substantially larger than Poof.  It's strange.
I've not seen this variety in the soup aisle, but man it could come in handy.  Like Popeye and spinach ya know?

Up next is the middle child, Hissy Fit.  As her name implies, she is aloof and prone to fits of attitude if things are not to her liking.  However, when I brush my teeth, she's like a completely different cat.  She is so well conditioned to the sound of my spin brush, she now comes running with the tip of her tail at an almost right angle of anticipation to shower me with love as I do my daily oral hygiene at the mere sound of the brush clinking on the side of the brush holder.  Pavlov would be proud.    It's weird.  She headbutts my leg, she quivers as she rubs her cheek on my arm, she gives me little love nips and she does all this only while the toothbrush is going.  As soon as I shut it off, she flees.  I went looking for an explanation about why the toothbrush provokes such a drastic change in her behavior, but I could find nothing.  I went to korat sites.  Nothing.  I went to and perused their forums.  Nothing. I went to and found this amusing video:
While amusing, it doesn't answer my question.  It does, however, pose another question:  why the hell can't our cats do this?
My husband and I are sure it has something to do with the frequency of the brush, but I don't know that she does this when he brushes his teeth...

Lastly, we have Link.  Link is huge.  He's about 20 pounds and that's not fat.  He's just a large breed of kitty cuteness.  He does have one odd inclination though.  If you go to the bathroom, he comes running.  Literally--if he hears the toilet seat lift, he's there in no time flat!  Link seems to think that the purpose of the toilet is for humans to be at just the right height to pet him.  Our toilet has become The Throne of Petting.  Link is so speedy that you can't get the door shut most of the time.  He does demonstrate manners, however.  When guests visit, he does not impose on them to lavish him with petting while they do their business. How very kind.

So there you have it.  I was sick and I spent too much time watching cheesy teenage dramedy and observed the cats in the house.  I love each and every one of the kitties and their quirks make them even more endearing. I leave you with this entertaining pun I received today from a friend:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Time to Trust in the System...oh man

After stewing for a few days, I finally got to get a few things off my chest.  Honestly, being able to state what has been worrying me to someone who might actually be able to do something about it feels pretty dang good.  I am not in charge.  I never want to be in charge.  I actually run from that kind of responsibility or obligation.  When I first started my job, more than one person thought I was leadership material.
I really want one of these.
I hope people understand now that there's absolutely no chance that will ever happen.  
No. Thank.  You.
Anyhoo, at the end of the day I was finally able to unburden myself of the little nugget of information that's been eating away at my conscience.  I have no idea where it will go from here, but at least it is in someone else's hands than mine.
It speaks for itself.
For the time being, it is time to trust that someone else will ask those hard questions.  Someone else will weigh the repercussions.  Hopefully, the resolution will provide as much peace as I felt after finally divulging my quandary.  Here's hoping anyway.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Let There Be Light

What a perfectly sublime day.  I awoke to the precious purr and gentle headbutt of Poof.  I enjoyed calm as I sipped coffee and read through the morning news and status updates.  I laughed at chicken puns from my good friend that eventually gave way to some much needed couple time with my hubby.  Then I returned to my tutoring job for the first time since before Christmas.  I finished book 3 of my trilogy. Follow that with a peaceful and hope-filled ritual, and now here I sit with candles in all the rooms filling our house with light.  What more could I possibly ask for?
I love Imbolc.  Maybe it's the tickle of humor from it coinciding with Ground Hog's day or maybe it is the fact that I live in the land of ice and snow and I really need to look forward to spring, but Imbolc is truly one of my favorite sabbats.  Tonight we shall dine on some spicy jambalaya by candlelight while we watch some SyFy show about a werewolf, vampire and ghost.
On this day I cannot help but hear this song in my head:
Here comes the sun indeed.  Blessed be!