Sunday, February 17, 2013

Today's Irony: Using Firefox to Post a Blog via Google because Google Chrome Can't Load Pics or Vids

I’ve been quiet for a while.  I needed some quiet time because if I had written anything the last few days, it might not have come across in the spirit of making the world a better place.  It probably would have done little more than satisfy my overwhelming need to rant like Dennis Miller or Bill Maher or Louis CK. 
Seriously.  Click those links.  I put them there on purpose.
Today is a new day--a particularly snowy Sunday here in my world.  I have a warm fur child on my lap and I am still in my robe despite having finished my coffee.  Guess what?  I’m not in any rush to change this arrangement.
I’ve spent some of my morning time pondering the cosmos.  I find looking at images of Andromeda galaxy oddly calming.  Looking at pictures from our satellites and telescopes puts everything into perspective.  Just look at this one:
Lovely isn't it?

I relish pondering the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the Multiverse.  If life can live in the harsh environments like acid pools or deep sea heat vents on Earth, imagine what other worlds could be brewing.  How egocentric to assume that we are the end-all-be-all of life.  To think that we are all there is limits us in so many ways. Stopping to consider for a brief moment that in the scheme of what we now know about cosmology, humans are in fact tiny little pinpoints helps keep me in perspective of the trials and tribulations of my day to day life.  Sometimes space feels the need to remind us of our vulnerability. Like this for example:
Space is just a cosmic pool hall sometimes.

When I stop to listen to cosmologists, I am filled with wonder and awe.  Listen to my physicist boyfriend on the topic:

Oh yeah, baby!  That big brain is uber sexy!
I guess my problems at work seem trivial in the scope of a myriad of bubble universes.  The problems still need to be resolved mind you because it is my reality five days a week to make the best of the situation.  I still live in a country that continues to grapple with how to make the best decisions for our laws and success in the world.  At the same time, we ridicule, we shame, we kill and maim instead of celebrating the wonder of our world.  I still live in a world where humanity knows precisely how to destroy itself, but at times forgets how to thrive together as one entity.  We often forget that harmony is way more fun than arguing over dogma. 
Kaku’s comparison to ants drives home that concept of humility for humanity.  Pausing to appreciate just how vast the cosmos truly is keeps me in perspective.  It gives me another way to view everything around me.  What’s really important in life?  How do I keep moving ahead with peace and serenity instead of anxiety and pain? 
I have but one life.  I’d rather it be as peaceful as possible.  As turbulent as the cosmos is, it reminds me that so much more exists to ponder than the money in my account, the turmoil of assessment, the debate over gun control and whether or not an American will be named Pope.  I leave you with my favorite Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.   

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