Saturday, February 2, 2013

Let There Be Light

What a perfectly sublime day.  I awoke to the precious purr and gentle headbutt of Poof.  I enjoyed calm as I sipped coffee and read through the morning news and status updates.  I laughed at chicken puns from my good friend that eventually gave way to some much needed couple time with my hubby.  Then I returned to my tutoring job for the first time since before Christmas.  I finished book 3 of my trilogy. Follow that with a peaceful and hope-filled ritual, and now here I sit with candles in all the rooms filling our house with light.  What more could I possibly ask for?
I love Imbolc.  Maybe it's the tickle of humor from it coinciding with Ground Hog's day or maybe it is the fact that I live in the land of ice and snow and I really need to look forward to spring, but Imbolc is truly one of my favorite sabbats.  Tonight we shall dine on some spicy jambalaya by candlelight while we watch some SyFy show about a werewolf, vampire and ghost.
On this day I cannot help but hear this song in my head:
Here comes the sun indeed.  Blessed be!

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