Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm Baaaaack

I've been under the weather lately.  I even stayed in bed for  few days.  Whilst I watched way too many episodes of Glee on Netflix, I also observed some of the more bizarre behavior of the felines who share this house.  Let's begin with the big man himself:  Poofus Ferocicus.

Poof is the biggest lovebug I know.   He loves to give me headbutts of affection.  He adores curling up on my shoulder or along my side to sleep at night.  I am apparently his chosen human.  He willfully tempts me into belly rubs by flopping down on the floor with the illusion that he is going to groom himself.  He then glances to see if I am watching and waits patiently for me to give him a good ol' bellyrubbin' and often he will roll over so that I can then rub his back as well.  Once I have fulfilled this task, his first action is to find Link and swat Link with all the might his almost 12 year old  mitts can muster.  I have no idea why affection from me translates to opening a can of whoop ass on Link, who is substantially larger than Poof.  It's strange.
I've not seen this variety in the soup aisle, but man it could come in handy.  Like Popeye and spinach ya know?

Up next is the middle child, Hissy Fit.  As her name implies, she is aloof and prone to fits of attitude if things are not to her liking.  However, when I brush my teeth, she's like a completely different cat.  She is so well conditioned to the sound of my spin brush, she now comes running with the tip of her tail at an almost right angle of anticipation to shower me with love as I do my daily oral hygiene at the mere sound of the brush clinking on the side of the brush holder.  Pavlov would be proud.    It's weird.  She headbutts my leg, she quivers as she rubs her cheek on my arm, she gives me little love nips and she does all this only while the toothbrush is going.  As soon as I shut it off, she flees.  I went looking for an explanation about why the toothbrush provokes such a drastic change in her behavior, but I could find nothing.  I went to korat sites.  Nothing.  I went to and perused their forums.  Nothing. I went to and found this amusing video:
While amusing, it doesn't answer my question.  It does, however, pose another question:  why the hell can't our cats do this?
My husband and I are sure it has something to do with the frequency of the brush, but I don't know that she does this when he brushes his teeth...

Lastly, we have Link.  Link is huge.  He's about 20 pounds and that's not fat.  He's just a large breed of kitty cuteness.  He does have one odd inclination though.  If you go to the bathroom, he comes running.  Literally--if he hears the toilet seat lift, he's there in no time flat!  Link seems to think that the purpose of the toilet is for humans to be at just the right height to pet him.  Our toilet has become The Throne of Petting.  Link is so speedy that you can't get the door shut most of the time.  He does demonstrate manners, however.  When guests visit, he does not impose on them to lavish him with petting while they do their business. How very kind.

So there you have it.  I was sick and I spent too much time watching cheesy teenage dramedy and observed the cats in the house.  I love each and every one of the kitties and their quirks make them even more endearing. I leave you with this entertaining pun I received today from a friend:

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