Thursday, February 28, 2013

Beef: It's What's for Dinner

I had a whole article ready to go.  I emailed it to myself from another computer.  Guess what happened.  Go ahead.  I'll wait.
It got lost in the interwebs.
Gah!  Curse you email demons. *shakes fist
That blog post will have to wait for another date.  Therefore, I shall have to muster up another topic for this evening's post.
How about steak?  My husband and I eat a primal menu most of the time.  We make exception for family gatherings, but most nights it is more meat and veggie and less carby grains.  For the last few nights we've eaten Green Eggs and Turkey which is essentially a turkey, artichoke, broccoli and egg frittata without any kind of bread or crust.  It really is delicious.  We decided though that next time it needs a bit more seasoning.  The green or red Tabascos really do make it pop though.  At first, this entree looked to be enough to make it all the way through the week, but we were ravenous last night and ate more than one serving.  Consequently, we had to do something else tonight.
My husband bought grass-fed rib eyes.
I am totally salivating at this prospect.  He also made parsnip fries and Brussels sprouts with lemon butter.  Then he bought a bottle of Ball Buster wine. I cannot even describe how much I am looking forward to this meal!  The best part is that the weather is warm enough to grill those steaks.  Oh my!  It's Heaven waiting on a plate.  We eat well and we find ways to be economical about it...grass fed rib eyes notwithstanding.
It's so worth it though.  Eating this way has cleared my skin, shaved 25 pounds, reduced inflammation, and given me energy.  It's also incredibly delicious.  I absolutely adore eating!  I liked it before, but now we get to really experiment and try new things and revel in delicious recipes.  I honestly never thought I would be a size 6 again nor did I ever think I would rid myself of the acne that has plagued me since I was 12, but here I am!  Eating amazing food and feeling vital and full of life.
Now I know some people are gonna be all anti-meat.  Ya know what?  Our bodies like meat.  Our consciences may grapple with the ethics of it, but I think making wise choices about where your meat comes from is important.  It's not easy, and we fail at it for the sake of convenience at times, but grass fed meat is scrumptious.  We are animals and we are part of the circle of life.  I am thankful for the steak that just appeared on my plate.  My body needs this kind of food in order to function at its best.  It is time to dig in.  Bon appetite!

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