Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Thrill of the New

I finally, after two emails, got a reply to my inquiry about my freelance gig.
They have my Google folders all set up.  I read through the training document.  I should have article assignments by tomorrow.  I am positively giddy with excitement!  I cannot even describe how thrilled I am to have this opportunity.  I feel absolutely insouciant about everything. (I learned that word today.  Had to use it.)  I filled out my article interest list and should be able to start tomorrow.  Huzzah!
I'd post witty pics etc. but Google is being stupid again.  I could save it and transfer over to Firefox, but I am not going to.
Honestly, I really am so incredibly thankful for this chance because I really didn't expect it.  I remember on Imbolc focusing my energy on my creativity and reminding myself to be attentive to those opportunities if they presented themselves; I needed to overcome my fear of failure and take hold of that flame. (there'd be a video here of Queensryche if Google was behaving.)  I meditated on all of the blessings in my life and asked for the Universe to help me remember all that is good while at the same time helping me to find chances for creative growth, and voila! (that'd be a pic in another web browser) I got the invite to write a trial article.
Then I wrote.
Then I waited.
Then I revised.
Then I waited.
Then I got a job offer and went out of my mind with excitement.
Then I waited.
My wait is almost over.
My commitment is the minimum of 6 articles per week to start.  If I can, I will write more, but I should pace myself for now.
Thank you, Universe.  Somehow I found the impetus to get out of my rut and do something creative that is still a way to earn a living if and when I should transition out of my current employ.  I am so unbelievably fortunate.  C'mon writing assignment!  I wanna write! (say that ala "I Wanna Rock")

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