Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dream a Little Dream

I took a few days off.  I hope you don't mind, gentle reader.  No reason other than The Muse took a hiatus. I had a perfectly lovely weekend.  I performed at the Day of Dance and I think all of our performances went swimmingly.  I felt particularly connected to my silk veil that day and loved the Niyaz song.
Niyaz is one of my favorite world music selections.  I always seem at peace when I dance to their music.  
I also read a lot of my book.  I am almost finished with it and I must say that the tone and mood of it really intrigue me.  It has a great line in it about laughter unknotting the soul.  How beautiful is that?
You should read the article where I got this pic.  That's LBJ BTW.
I also got to watch half of season 2 Game of Thrones.  I've been waiting and waiting for the DVD release.  The novels are amazing in their scope and detail and HBO has done a remarkable job translating them into television.  Scrumptious...except for Joffrey.  What an ass, or should I say:
I also got to have dinner with my mother in law and brother in law.  Great meal and tons of fun getting caught up.  Thankfully my husband's fever had broken so we were able to celebrate MIL's birthday.  

I then got to talk to my dear friend about her wedding plans.  It's in September and I am matron of honor.  Somehow I feel like I should dress like this:
Nice right?  My friend sent me this pic though:
She's joking of course...I hope she's joking...please let her be joking.

However, none of this is really what I planned to write about today.  You see, I had one of those dreams that I was really enjoying when I was so rudely interrupted by my alarm clock.  I dreamt that I was in this very large amusement park that had a ginormous ocean-like pool for swimming and scuba complete with fish and sea creatures.  I also saw artists of all types painting and sculpting the people who were there to play.  A complete refreshment and snack bar with food cart vendors milled around with the crowd.  I had a gyro.  A mountain for skiing and sledding also provided entertainment.  Nothing cost anything either.  It was pure fun everywhere.  Does this not sound like a thoroughly enticing dreamscape?  I love my dreams.  It's been awhile since I remembered one that wasn't scary or horrible. 
I never actually got to go swimming.  Swimming in a dream usually indicates exploring the subconscious.  I wanted to go swimming with the pretty fish so bad!  Fish in a dream represent knowledge to be gained from the subconscious.  I guess the Muppets were right with their cosmic knowledge fish.  Anyway, the snow also tempted me and I wanted to romp and play, which would indicate a time set aside for rest and relaxation as well as seizing opportunity when it presents itself.  As for the food, it's fairly obvious right?  Nourishment of all kinds that needs to be included in your life.  Hmm, what might a gyro represent?  Meat and veggie is supposedly animalistic and healthy pursuits, but since I was partaking with so many happy people, I think it just shows how content I was last night.  I recall watching an artist start to paint people and her palate was a small paper plate set inside of a rather oversized highball glass.  Apparently I need to express my artistic side a wee bit more.  
Just when I thought I couldn't possibly decide what I wanted to do, Sam Winchester showed up.  He and Dean were on a hunt and I was getting the details and I was going to work with them, when that stupid alarm went off. 
If you don't know what this is, it's ok.  I forgive you and you're still my friend.
So what does it say about my subconscious that I want to go on a supernatural hunt with the Winchesters instead of any number of other activities?  I'm clearly disturbed.  Actually, it's indicative of avoiding something.  Now what could that possibly be I wonder?  At least I have excellent taste in my distractions.

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