Thursday, February 21, 2013

Who Knew Thursday Could Be This Good?

I had already decided that today was a good day.
Then I got a compliment I wasn't expecting.  Then I got another.  Apparently teenagers are particularly fond of my purple tie dye jumper.  Along with these compliments on my psychedelic outfit, I was incredibly busy.  My clients also did some fantastic work today and I cannot tell you how proud I am of them. Today was one of those days where I knew I accomplished a great deal because at the end of it all, I sighed one of those deep and contented sighs. 
This is me before 9pm tonight.  It's good to be tired after a job well done.
Just when I thought the day couldn't get better, it did.  Stunning.  I know. I got an unexpected bouquet of flowers.  Since my husband told me about them and he didn't claim responsibility, I figured they weren't from him unless he was being coy.  Nope.  Not coy.  They were from a dear friend who just wanted to let me know I was wonderful.  She's wonderful, too.  I miss being wonderful with her.  Alas!  We must be wonderful from a distance.  
We're on the list.
Then, just when I thought it couldn't possibly get any better, I got a free lance writer contract.  
I don't know, but maybe if a spider says it, they aren't all bad.
Nope, still creepy and crawly.
Anyhoo, I now am on the hook for 6 articles a week.  Topics ranging from animals to finances.  Oh man!  This job is fantastic!  It feeds my creative energies and my nerd need for research.  I also get to flex my writing skills in another forum.  I will keep up with my blog as well since it is far more of the creative side for me, but I get to write professionally.  
Apparently this is a cartoon of rather Gothic proportion.  Odd that it is also the term to let people know online that you are excited.  Ah juxtaposition of imagery and familiar usage.    


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