Monday, February 11, 2013

I'd Include Witty Pictures, but Google's Error Message Says, "No!"

Today started like a typical Monday.  Hard to wake.  Plenty of coffee.  Then off to work.  Guess what greeted me at 730am.  Go on.  Take a guess.  A total stranger, on his cell phone, growing increasingly irate and dropping f bombs every other word.  I thought about approaching him and doing the whole behavior intervention idea, but as I approached he grew even more quarrelsome with the person on the other end of the line.  I opted to call the office for some back up as I appeared to be the only person on the floor.  Of course, by the time I made the call and the back up arrived, the person had vanished.

That lovely opener aside, Monday improved dramatically from there due mainly to the fact that I said thank you to several people today.  Today seemed a perfect day to let people around me know exactly how much I appreciate them.  Given the phone fit I witnessed, thanking those who make my life easier at work just seemed the thing to do.

To start, one of my closest comrades who I respect with every fiber of my being gave me good news.  We shared a rather unfortunate incident with a higher up last week and we were both mortified.  Well, she met with this boss guy and laid out the true facts of the situation.  Then, she met with another of our mutual muckety mucks and informed him of the details.  When this fellow then said complimentary tidings about me, she made sure he was aware that at the rate things are going, they risk losing good people like me.  I adore this woman.  She's always approachable, always a shoulder to cry on, always an ear to bend, and always supportive.  I truly appreciate the fact that she stuck up for me, that she represented our department as only she can, and that she sought me out to share all of this.  My thank you was spontaneous and genuine and a wee bit teary.

Later on, I had to send out requests for information for some paperwork.  Within minutes I had a response from one fellow who has been faithful and wonderful and truly makes things happen for those I am charged with overseeing.  He made sure to answer all questions I asked.  I sent him a quick email saying how much a appreciate his prompt and thorough reply.  People who respond to those requests really do make my job and the jobs of those in my department easier.  I thought he should know it meant a lot.

Once I started, I couldn't stop.  Every time someone helped me whether through verbal or email communication, I made sure to say thank you.  I thanked the assistant who helped me track down missing papers.  I thanked my husband for calling his sister about this weekend.  I thanked someone for just filling in for another person today despite her discomfort with the topic she had to cover.  I thanked two people for taking their hats off when they came in the building. It was like a wave of gratitude and it felt really good to see all the wonderful people with whom I work brighten at a simple, "thank you."  Clearly we don't say it enough. I urge everyone to say it more.  Recognizing how wonderful those in our lives are--even if their presence is a fleeting moment--impacts those people.  Try it.  If you already do, try it more.  Once you see how much other people do to make your life better, you feel well and truly blessed.

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