Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Despite the Initial Reluctance, Tuesday Turned Out OK

I've received a lot of good advice lately.  Mainly because I know awesome people and they read my blog.
I must have amazing luck.  Thanks guys.
I know I set out to choose happiness with my blog this year.  However, no one is happy all the time unless they are on something illegal.  I still believe that I can choose happiness, which is perhaps why this last while presented such a dilemma for me.  To deny those emotions like sadness, grief, and despair is to deny what makes us human.  For all things in this world, there is a balance.  When that balance is not honored, then we run the risk of simply stuffing that so-called "bad" emotion into a garbage can until that garbage can is overflowing.  What comes out at that point is so distorted, mangled and exaggerated that Vesuvius looks like a touch of hot weather.  Sometimes we must allow ourselves to feel the emotion.  It's not like I'm starting a pity party where all I do is cry and eat mint chocolate chip ice cream and watch all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from start to finish.  I do enjoy a spot of killing demons in Diablo though.  It's therapy.

Although watching Buffy kick some vampire ass is also very cathartic at times.

I take my job and its responsibilities very seriously.  Maybe too seriously.  The worst thing I could do is to harm one of my clients in some way.  I want to know what I do is right.  I want to believe that what I am doing enhances their lives.  I want to come home at night and feel satisfied with the day's work I've put in.  I need to feel valued and trusted and effective.  I felt none of that last week or over the weekend.
I also need spring to get here so I can start riding my bike again.  It's a great way to process the muck that transpires some days.
Not really, but wouldn't that be the best bike ever?

  I'm not sure what the next step is for me.  I know that I got word that my trial contract was canceled because I successfully completed my article.  I have not word whether that means they will ask me to write more.  Who knows?  Spring semester on my tutor gig is proving slow.  I suppose I don't have to volunteer to take the time off when the queue is slow, but I have been.  It's probably been in my best interest to slow down a bit.  It does tell me though that as far as a full time gig is concerned, it might be difficult to make ends meet that way.  I'll figure it out.  I have time to ponder. At least I made it through Tuesday without being called a twat. 

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