Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday = Twat Day

I got called a twat today.  Been a long time since someone hurled that word at me.  Now I really don’t care if someone wants to use that word, but in the setting where I am the authority figure, you betcha I care a great deal about someone referring to me as a twat, especially when I in no way shape or form was behaving in the least bit twattish.  

Did you know that you can’t even do a search for the word twat without modifying your search preferences?  When I Google twat, it also won’t give me any responses.  A search for “twat origin” gives a ton of responses for the word origin.  Rephrase to “origin of twat.”  Nothing.  “Where did the word twat come from.”  Nothing.  “twat AND origin,” “twat + origin,” and origin of the word twat” all give nada, bupkus, zippo.  Maybe I should call Chrysti the Wordsmith at NPR and ask for some help.

                “Hello, you’ve reached Chrysti the Wordsmith.”
                “Hello, I love your segments.  Would you please help me find the origin of the word twat?”

Thing is, my skin is fairly thick.  I’m not going to fall to pieces over being called a twat.  I’m not going to go through the roof or scream and gnash my teeth at this person.  Instead I calmly told her to leave.  That was sufficient display for her and the others.  I know the reason she used it is because she didn’t want to be there and she wanted out.  What better way to get out of the situation than to throw out the most offensive, emotionally-charged word you can think of, right?  When in the face of challenge and name-calling at work, I prefer to keep my emotional response in check.  Not easy mind you and I don’t always succeed, but today I did.  Today I maintained my unflappable reputation.  Today I smiled and carried on and let the epithet roll off me because I had important stuff to do dangit!  The rest of the people had stuff to do.  We accomplished what we set out to do after this person left.  Today I am proud of how I handled the situation.  I am thankful that for whatever reason today, my self-control kicked in so that I was able to manage the situation without showing her any kind of outrage.

Now though, I want wine.  Big—no giant—glass of red wine. 
And chocolate.  There must be chocolate.

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