Thursday, January 31, 2013


I'm sure everyone feels that wee bit of glee as they drive home after a long day at work.  I love turning into my alley and seeing at least one little furry face in the bay window watch me as I slow down to park in the drive.  Then as I unlock the backdoor, I can see little furry faces scramble to greet me when I come in.  After the feline welcoming party, I get to kiss and hug my hubby.  Ah!  I am home.
Our home doesn't look like much on the outside.  It has peeling paint from hailstorms, a lawn that hasn't quite bounced back yet, a foundation that is crumbling, and an uneven front walk.  It's modest and humble and simple.  It's our home.
We had big plans when we moved in.  We were going to flip this mother and make it ours.  We set right to work on our front room, but then, the Powers That Be had other plans.  They decided my husband I needed some autoimmune malfeasance to make life more interesting.  Consequently, that room still isn't finished because I don't see the point in finishing the floors until we do all the floors.  The parts of the room that are done, however, are delightful.  The walls are a rich, deep red which is well suited for a bedroom retreat.  The dressers were resurfaced to match.  We found a Tibetan wall hanging regarding love which is over the bed.  On one wall a lovely tapestry of a belly dancer hangs courtesy of my mother-in-law.  I really do love that tapestry and it is just so perfect for our room.  That room is the only room we've actually done work in so far.  I'd like to tackle the back bedroom next, but we'll see.
Our backyard is enormous.  I can't even believe how substantial it is.  I love the generous garden plot.  Thankfully it takes up quite a bit of space so that we don't have to mow the entire square footage of that yard.  My father came over to help me get the mower started once when my husband was traveling for work and he couldn't believe how exhausting that plot is.'s big.
I guess the point I am driving at is while our home is humble and modest and definitely not on anyone's Home Tour list, it is ours.  It is comfortable and reassuring and warm.  Love is present.  Laughter is abundant.  Tears are welcome and comforted.  I am incredibly thankful to have a place to call home.  I look forward to that turn into the driveway each night.  As for the renovating and remodeling, we'll get there.  Eventually.  For now, our home is enough just the way it is.

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