Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dumbasses, snake stowaways and chickens

Do you ever scroll through your news and realize that, "Holy crap!  There's some crazy in this world!"  I know I do.  Today was no exception.  A news anchor apparently accused schools of preaching the socialist agenda by teaching the distributive property of algebra.
When a simple face palm is not enough, go for the through and through face palm to ensure maximum effect.
Then, I saw this headline:
Ah!  The balance is restored.  Who doesn't love a little inappropriate language and allusion to a terrible movie starring Samuel L. Jackson?

This story made me even happier.  "Arrested Development" will release a new season to Netflix in May as a way to hopefully kick off their movie.  If you've never watched, you need to.  It's absolutely hysterical and no one in that family has ever seen a chicken.  You'll get the joke if you watch it.

Then this popped up: TED playlists the road to peace.  I read an article recently criticizing TED talks as being too fad-tastic and not enough substance.  I however find them fascinating.  I don't know too many people who would watch a TED talk and go--I can do that and achieve fame and fortune in no time.  That's what the article hinted at.  Personally, I think learning as much as I can from TED is good.  I think being informed is good.  I am glad that they have tackled peace as a topic.  I think I know what my viewing holds in the near future, but until then I leave you with this:

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