Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I love to laugh *ha ha ha

I positively love to laugh.
I love laughing so hard my sides hurt.
I love laughing so hard that my husband mocks me relentlessly so that I keep laughing even more.
I love laughing so hard that tears come to my eyes and my breath catches in my lungs.

Oddly though, I'm laughing at work lately.  Odd--I know; I said that already.  Pay attention.  Sheesh.  I've spent so much time deliberating and debating and--is there a d word that means beating myself up over the changes that I have absolutely no control over?  HA!  A quick search online for a synonym to "castigate" yielded the word drub!  Huzzah!

Anyhoo--I've noticed an interesting trend lately.  Laughter.  It's so good to hear people with whom I work closely laughing again.  That's not to say that there isn't still some nasty and stressful crapola goin' on, but we're laughing a lot lately.  We get in these meetings and we tease each other.  We rib one another.  We joke and we laugh.  The levity is refreshing.  It's unexpected.  It makes the day and the meetings and the drudgery bearable.  Don't think so?  Check out this clip.  My husband will notice distinct similarities with the earbud fellow I am sure.

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