Saturday, January 12, 2013

Post Cards from Gandolf

Sometimes a little act brings about the most satisfaction.  Today I opted to send out a series of postcards.  Some were thank you's; some were just for the heck of it.

I sent out one to our nephew who lives in Indiana.  He sent me yellow Play-Doh for Christmas.  Is that not the cutest thing ever?  I actually played with it today and that is what got me thinking about post-cards.  I have a small stack of them.  I love to pick up random postcards at odd shops and then send them to unsuspecting people.  I sent this one to our nephew:
What was so funny that all three zebras were getting such a good laugh?  Share the joke zebras, sheesh!

I also find some truly pretty artsy yet odd ones to send around.  
Poor little froggy.  More disturbing though is the egg in front of each goose.  Maybe they are platypus eggs.  Nope--still creepy.

Some are inappropriate, which fills me with mischievous glee when I decide who shall receive this in the mail:
And you thought your "O" face was bad.

I do think that sending actual mail is still important.  It's unexpected anymore.  However to receive a handwritten message from someone, even if it has two lions who are definitely not sleeping tonight, brings a smile to my face.  The fact that someone took the time to write even the briefest of message--which postcards are--shows that the person was thoughtful and kind and perhaps a wee bit wicked.  

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