Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Not the Typical Tuesday

Here's the deal:
Today I had little to no time to myself to handle stuff.  It was like a revolving door of people who needed my opinion or support or knowledge and I gotta say it was exhausting.  I had about 15 minutes at lunch to regroup and face the rest of the day.  Woof!
Totally exhausted man.
It's not that I minded, because it was nice to be listened to or consulted like I actually know what I'm doing--which I do, but it has been the case that I frequently echo Cassandra's doom.  To be treated like people actually want to know what I think and they actually want to listen to my rationale or my thoughts is a new sensation.

I digress...for Michael Hutchence.
Anyway, mixed into the consulting and advicer-ing (Hush now.  I have an English degree, so I get to make up stuff like advicer-ing)  there was also a fair amount of bullshit.  You know what makes it better when you feel the bullshit getting your goat?
A good ol' fashioned venting of the bullshit!  That's right, I came home and my husband and I took turns laying out the exasperations, the crapola, and the complete and utter bullshit that just sent us into orbit today.  I love that I can come home and let loose the furies of frustration and then I can listen to his litany of offenses to common sense and we can both feel better afterward.  Some days, it's all we really need.  A damned good vent session without repercussions because we "get" each other.
Actually we do.  It gets a little spooky sometimes.

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