Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Short and to the Point

I'm going to keep this short because I have a headache.
Despite the throbbing at the back of my head that's been building all day, I still have to share some happy.

Last year, I took the year off of saying "Happy Birthday" on people's Facebook walls.  You see, I don't like the traditional "Happy Birthday."  I go out of my way to make the greeting memorable.  After an entire year of writing witty and unique messages to everyone of my friends who allow their birthdays to pop up and remind people of their birthday (and that I happened to catch on the newsfeed), I needed a break.
Consequently, I took the year off.
It was hard.  Even close friends didn't get a greeting.  It was torture sometimes not to make a quick comment about it.
This is a new year.
I'm back in action.  I've already hit a couple of innocent bystanders with these:

Prodigious salutations on a most excellent achievement in annual accrual of time on earth.

BTW, exultant recognition of your genesis.

Blissful salutations on your birthaversary.

This is what I do.
It makes me smile.
Hope it makes them smile, too.

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