Sunday, January 27, 2013

This Was Not the Post I Intended Today

I tried writing a blog earlier today.  Then the computer gremlins deleted it.  Before you lecture me about saving, I did.  Somehow the computer gremlins pulled a select-all-delete maneuver and alas!  All was lost.  So now that I am sufficiently sublime following a blissful Wolf Moon Circle (with a dash of waning), I am going to attempt another posting.
I started today knowing that I had much to do.  I had a menu for the week to write, some Sa to construct, a novel to read, a book club schedule to send out, a rollerskating party with my niece, a ritual to perform, laundry to finish, and a blog to write.  It was going to be a busy day.  It was busy indeed.
I'm sure there are some who would scoff at me referring to my day as busy, but some of those tasks were not simple.  You try bending wire into the shape of a Sa and figure out how to anchor into the clay without bending it out of shape again.  It's not that simple.  It was, however, thankfully much easier than I anticipated.  It was like while it was challenging, it was also exciting to try figure out the best way to bring the concept into being.  It was pretty cool to do over morning coffee.
Then I tried writing a post.  I was almost done, putting on the finishing touches to an adequate post when my Youtube video search somehow cued the Computer Gremlin Rebellion and I was just about to unleash all the expletives I know in interesting new ways when I heard my husband and nephew walk in.  Outburst quelled, but still seething on the inside.
As I watched my nephew play with Link and try to coax Hissy into letting him pet her, I began to let go of the vexation.  Then we had to execute the great Nephew-for-Niece Exchange of 2013 so that my husband and I could take our niece to a rollerskate party at the local rink.  Yeah--AutoImmune Duo went rollerskating...and survived to tell the tale.  My husband promptly took Ibuprofen and jumped in a hot bath with Mg oil and I too took some Ibuprofen (just this once), Formula 303 and did a ritual after we arrived back home.  Despite the fact that we are taking every precaution for the inevitable ache that we know will follow, the skating was a lot of fun.  Teaching our niece to skate was a great time.  This was her first time as it was for all of the kids there.  Coincidentally, she just got an invitation for another skate party, so she'll be ready for it by golly!
I've never tried to teach someone to skate.  It's interesting to try.  I haven't been on skates in ten years at least.  That was an ill-fated attempt at learning rollerblading.  Anyway, my hubby and I took turns guiding her around the rink and finally she was ready for her first solo skate.  I couldn't stop smiling and feeling that little rush of "yeehaw" (back off!  skating made me nostalgic of childhood and we watched Hee-Haw at my house growing up) at watching her get around on her own.  She fell...a lot, but she always got back up and kept going.  She really had a lot of fun and even though I never once heard a song by Journey, I totally did, too.
Now I smell like lavender, my muscles are unknotting, and my husband is almost done with dinner.  What a fantastic Sunday.

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