Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Indulge My Geek for a Moment

True Confessions Time:
I've been looking forward to tonight.
It's Wednesday.
I've been getting daily pics and reminders in my news feed.
Tonight, Supernatural resumes.
That's ok--go ahead and laugh.  Mock.  Chastise and rebuff.  I care not.  In two and a half hours I get to forget my worries, cares and woes and immerse myself in this:
Credit: Liane Hentscher/The CW -- © 2013 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved ©2013 THE CW NETWORK, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

And this:

I think he looks better the scruffier he gets.  Angel chic.

I'd like to know what's up with this guy:
After all, no one is ever really dead on this show.

My husband is laughing at me as I work on this blog.

If I'm really lucky, I might get this:
Go ahead and "grrr."  It's ok.  I won't judge.

Oh, and I want to know more about this chick:

They have kickass music:

Whoever put this together nailed #1!  The introduction of Death is one of my favorite scenes.

They do have a hot car:
Never really understood the whole "muscle car" thing, but this Impala is awesome.

All in all folks, I am a geek.  I love geeky shows that have no real basis in the world as we know it. I find story lines that delve into the mythologies and struggles of good vs. evil entertaining and I am totally jones-in' for some Winchester.

1 hour and 45 minutes remaining.

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