Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bringin' "Huzzah!" Back

Lately I've noticed something: my friends are starting to use "Huzzah" in every day conversation.  I don't know if this is due to a cartoon a few weeks back that used the interjection. I posted about how it's not being used to its potential as an interjection.  I don't know if the two incidents are connected.  I don't know if it's evidence of the collective consciousness bringing us together for the sake of the interjection.  I don't know if we all are just a bunch of nerds who like archaic interjections.  One thing I do know, I'M LOVING IT!
I tried to get information about this cool pic, but the "click here for info" only revealed the exact opposite of information.
Did you know that the origins of huzzah are unknown unless you spell it differently?  I confirmed it in three different sources.  Incidentally, you will get each of those sources if you click on the three green words.  Each word gives you a different source.  I know: nerd.
They even use it in the future!
One detail they do know is that huzzah is an interjection and it is archaic for the clearly more modern "hurrah!"  That's in those sources btw.  
"Huzzah! Valley Resort."  Punctuation is important.
Nothing really sells an archaic interjection like a t-shirt:
the t-shirt also has a moustache.
Try it out, gentle reader.  Take this interjection for a test drive.  See how it feels to be so excited about something that it is appropriate to deem it huzzah-worthy.  Then just toss your arms out and give a hearty,
Really?  That's your "Huzzah!" face?  Awkward...

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