Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Vaguest Blog Post Ever

I cannot express the thoughts I am thinking.  The topics on my mind right now cannot be a blog post.  They relate to work.  You see, I had in-service training today and what I learned overwhelmed and confused me.  However, what I do know is that current legislation and judicial findings will not protect anything I put into text; it is far safer to keep my mouth shut--at least publicly.  I cannot sort everything that is in my head after today.  I have one "expert" telling me one thing and another "expert" telling me something else and what in the hell am I supposed to do about it?  Who do I believe?  I know I should stay in the present.  Don't fret about the future.  Then another voice pops up and says, "Walk away, dear.  Walk away before it eats you alive."

I'm going to go read my book now.  Maybe Lucivar, Daemon, and Saetan will find a way to protect the realm and Jaenelle will triumph over Hekatah and Dorothea.  Of course she will; she is Witch, myth made flesh.

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