Sunday, January 6, 2013

Read little bookworm. Read it. Read it!

I've spent the last four and a half hours reading a new book.
I love Sunday afternoons without demand that allow time for personal endeavors like devouring a new book.  I positively squealed when my husband told me that a new novel by one of our favorite authors was released.  You see, I had ordered books 2 and 3 of this Anne Bishop's series:

Amazon swears I only ordered 3.  Consequently, when 3 arrived last week I was excited.  Until I opened the package and found only book 3.  I had no book to read and time to read a book!  How aggravating is that?
Then today my hopes soared at the news of new Terry Goodkind.  Then, I was dismayed when I could not locate Terry Goodkind's latest novel on the website for Hasting's (we have a gift card with some money still.)  Then I couldn't find it at Amazon either.  I could get it for a Kindle, but not a hardback.  Finally I went to Barnes and Noble looking for a Nook book and there is was in all its glory:
Turns out he released it himself as an ebook.  Hence the no hardback.  Read the manifesto at the start.  It explains everything. I am only 400 pages in, which is just about the 1/3 of the way mark on this tale, but I am loving it!

Anticipating the release of a new book by a favorite author can be extremely taxing for bookworms like myself.  I only recently started reading George R.R.Martin, so I didn't have to languish terribly long waiting for A Dance with Dragons, but those few months were killer!  My other favorite author, Anne Rice, used to routinely release a new novel in October of the year.  I trained myself to check the book release lists at the bookstores.  It got worse when I worked at Hasting's and could check the lists well in advance of the actual release date.  The sensation when a much anticipated release of a phenomenal author finally breaks through to the stores always produces a mighty

Finally, my bookworm can rest and enjoy the tale of the first Mother Confessor.  *sigh  I must get back to reading.  I left at a really good part.

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