Monday, January 7, 2013

Ode to the Octopus

I believe the octopus is amazing.  Don't think so?  Watch this guy's presentation and then tell me octopuses aren't the rockin'-est creature in the sea.

They use tools--even tools that we've thrown away become useful to an octopus.

No litter?  No matter.

They are masters of disguise.

They aren't all fun and games either.  They can be deadly.

They don't even need the ocean to live.

Watch out though.  They can be little thieves, too.

No wonder Ringo Starr wrote a song about them. (covered by Muppets)

You see, the octopus have so much about them that makes them intriguing in this world.  They have three hearts.  They have three versions of their name to satisfy plural form noun: octopuses, octopi, and octopodes.  They are the most intelligent invertebrate on the planet.  They have arms--not tentacles.  For such an intelligent beast, they have a short life span; usually they only live 2 years in the wild according to National Geographic.  I find them fascinating and inspiring and playful.
I'll leave you with this octopus giving birth to a rubber ducky.

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